Waterton Lakes National Park
Parc national des Lacs-Waterton

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

The prairies of Alberta meet the peaks of the Rocky Mountains in Waterton Lakes National Park. Clear lakes, thundering waterfalls, rainbow-coloured streams, colourful rocks and mountain vistas await hikers and sightseers. Waterton packs a big natural punch into a relatively small and accessible area.

Les prairies de l'Alberta rencontrent les sommets des montagnes Rocheuses dans le parc national des Lacs-Waterton. Des lacs limpides, des chutes d'eau tonitruantes, des ruisseaux aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel, des roches colorées et des panoramas de montagne attendent les randonneurs et les touristes. Waterton est une région relativement petite et accessible dotée d’un paysage naturel grandiose.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1895

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Management Documents

Draft Management Plan, Waterton Lakes National Park / Plan directeur, Parc national Lacs-Waterton (Parks Canada, 2021)

Management Plan, Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada / Plan directeur, Parc national du Canada Lacs-Waterton (Parks Canada, 2022)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2004)

Management Plan (Parks Canada, May 2000)

Multi-species Action Plan for Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada and Bar U Ranch National Historic Site of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada des Lacs-Waterton et le lieu historique national du Canada du Ranch-Bar U Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

State of the Park Report / Rapport sur l'état du parc (Parks Canada, 2008)

Waterton Community Plan / Plan communautaire de Waterton (Parks Canada, 2000)

What We Heard — Mountain National Parks (Executive Summary) / Ce que nous avons entendu — Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Résumé) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard — Summary of Public and Indigenous Community Comments on the Management Plan Review, Waterton Lakes National Park / Ce que nous avons entendu : résumé des commentaires des communauté autochtones et du public en vue du plan directeur 2020, Parcs national des lacs-Waterton (Parks Canada, August 2019)

Historical Documents

A Climatic Handbook for Glacier National Park — with Data for Waterton Lakes National Park U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report INT-204 (Arnold I. Finklin, July 1986)

A Guide to Waterton Lakes National Park / Guide du Parc national des Lacs Waterton (Heather Pringle, Parks Canada, 1986)

A History of the Settlement and Building Up of the Area in S.W. Alberta Bordering Waterton Park on the North from 1889 (Fred A. Huddlestun, 1968)

Akamina-Kishinena Provincial Park Management Direction Statement (British Columbia Ministry of Environment, May 1999)

Akamina-Kishinena Provincial Park Map (British Columbia Parks, undated)

Avalanche Terrain Ratings for Backcountry Touring in the Mountain National Parks / Côtes des terrains avalancheux pour les randonnées hivernales dans l'arrière-pays des parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, 2005)

Canadian Rockies Carnivore Monitoring Project: Examining Trends in Carnivore Populations and their Prey Using Remote Cameras. Year 1 Progress Report, 2011-2012 (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, August 2012)

Canadian Rockies Remote Camera Multi-Species Occupancy Project: Examining trends in carnivore populations and their prey using remote cameras in Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho and Waterton Lakes National Park. Final Report (Robin Steenweg, Jesse Whittington and Mark Hebblewhite, March 31, 2015)

Checklist of Birds in Waterton Lakes National Park / Liste des oiseaux du parc national des lacs-Waterton (Parks Canada, 2012)

Clark's Nutcracker Occurrence, Whitebark Pine Stand Health, and Cone Production in the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (Parks Canada, 2013)

COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Half-moon Hairstreak Satyrium semiluna in Canada / Évaluation et Rapport de situation du COSEPAC sur le Porte-queue demi-linue Satyrium semiluna au Canada (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, 2006)

Distribution patterns of moss conservation value with implications for conservation management: a case study of Waterton Lakes National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2001)

Evolution of a Landscape: The Quaternary Period in Waterton Lakes National Park Miscellaneous Report 26 (John E. Harrison, Geological Survey of Canada, 1976)

Fire hazard classification for Waterton Lakes National Park Information Report NOR-X-7 (J.E. Grigel, R.J. Lieskovsky and A.D. Kiil, Canadian Forest Service, September 1971)

Fishing Regulations Summary: Mountain National Parks in Alberta & British Columbia (Parks Canada, April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013, April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007)

Forest fungi collected in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta Information Report NOR-X-20 (J.J. Lawrence and Y. Hiratsuka, Canadian Forest Service, March 1972)

Forest insects and diseases in eight of the western Canadian national parks, 1971 Information Report NOR-X-12 (W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, January 1972)

Forest insects and diseases in eight western Canadian national parks, 1973 Information Report NOR-X-90 (F.J. Emond, J. Petty, G.J. Smith and V.B. Patterson, Canadian Forest Service, May 1974)

Forest insects and diseases in nine of the western Canadian national parks, 1972 Information Report NOR-X-62 (V.B. Patterson, E.J. Gautreau, G.J. Smith, R.M. Caltrell and J.P. Susut, Canadian Forest Service, April 1973)

Forest insects collected in Waterton National Park, 1948-1971 Information Report NOR-X-120 (E.J. Gautreau and J.C.E. Melvin, Canadian Forest Service, December 1974)

Glacier National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park (Great Northern Railway Company, c1930s)

Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks (A.P. Coleman, Parks Canada, 1921)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Waterton Lakes National Park

Comfort Stations / Blocs sanitaires (FHBRO No. 90-235, July 25, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Interpretive Building / Bâtiment d'interprétation (FHBRO No. 90-235, July 25, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Kitchen Shelters / Abris-cuisine (FHBRO No. 90-235, July 25, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

RCMP Detachment Building and Garage / Immeuble et garage du détachement de la GRC (FHBRO No. 87-82, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Registration Building / Bâtiment d'enregistrement (FHBRO No. 84-04, August 9, 1984, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Historic Influence of the Mountain Pine Beetle on Stand Dynamics in Canada’s Rocky Mountain Parks (Pamela R. Dykstra and Tom F. Braumandl, Natural Resources Canada, 2006)

Hometown Heroes / Héros de chez nous (Parks Canada, 2018)

Information Regarding Hotels, Chalets and Camps, Automobile, Launch and Saddle Horse Trips, All-Expense Tours ad Pay As You Go Plan, Glacier National Park-Waterton Lakes National Park, Season June 15th to September 15th, 1929 Circular No. 25-29 (Great Northern Railway, 1929)

Insect and disease hazard in relation to stand stability: Waterton Lakes National Park (J. Petty and W.G.H. Ives, Canadian Forest Service, June 1971)

Kenow Fire Burn Severity Map — 2017, Waterton Lakes National Park (Parks Canada, October 26, 2017)

Limnological and planktonic studies in the Waterton Lakes, Alberta. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper Number 27. (Environment Canada, 1976)

Long-toed Salamander, (Ambystoma macrodactylum) hibernacula in Waterton Lakes National Park revealed using Passive Integrated Transponder telemetry (Matthew R. Atkinson-Adams, Christopher J. Price and Garry J. Scrimgeour, Cynthia A. Paszkowski, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 132 No. 2, 2018, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Microfungi parasitic on vascular plants in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, and environs (Parks Canada, 1984)

Mountains on Fire: Making Sense of Change in Waterton Lakes National Park (©Cassandra Buunk, Master's Thesis University of Victoria, 2021)

Non-Native Plant Management And Restoration Of Foothills Fescue Grassland In Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 2013)

Paleopedology in the Cypress Hills and Waterton areas, Alberta (University of Alberta Libraries, 1988)

Reclamation planting in Waterton Lakes National Park File Report NOR-972 (W.D. Holland, S. Kojima and G.M. Coen, Canadian Forest Service, December 1974)

Recovery Strategy for the Half-moon Hairstreak (Satyrium semiluna) in Canada / Programme de rétablissement du porte-queue demi-lune (Satyrium semiluna) au Canada Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2016)

Règlement sur la pêche - sommaire: parcs nationaux des montagnes de l'Alberta et de la Colombie-Britannique (Parks Canada, du 1er avril 2012 au 31 mars 2013, du 1er avril 2006 au 31 mars 2007)

Repeat Photography of Montane Trembling Aspen in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Clifford A. White and Michael C. Feller, from Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceeding, Vol. 22, 2004)

Report of the Reactive Monitoring Mission, 20 to 27 September 2009, Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (Canada and USA) (Paul R. Dingwall and Kishore Rao, UNESCO/IUCN, c2009)

Rocks, Ice & Water: The Geology of Waterton-Glacier Park (David D. Alt and Donald W. Hyndman, ©Mountain Press Publishing, 1978, all rights reserved)

Seasonal Distribution of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Canadian National Parks, 1966-1972 (John G. Stelfox, Canadian Wildlife Service for Parks Canada, ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 1978)

Soil and vegetation characteristics of boundary cabin fan, Waterton Lakes National Park-Glacier National Park: preliminary report File Report NOR-Y-17 (G.M. Coen, W.D. Holland and John Nagy, Canadian Forest Service, June 1972)

Soils and associated features of Blakiston fan, Waterton Lakes National Park File Report NOR-Y-20 (W.D. Holland and G.M. Coen, Canadian Forest Service, July 1972)

Soils and forest information for 1972 dock impact study in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta Internal Report NOR-16 (D.T. Allan, Canadian Forest Service, December 1972)

Soils of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta: Appendix D Alberta Institute of Pedology S-73-33/Information Report NOR-X-65 (Gerald M. Coen and W.D. Holland, Canadian Forest Service, May 1974)

Soils of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta Information Report NOR-X-65 (Gerald M. Coen and W.D. Holland, Canadian Forest Service, 1976)

State of the Parks: A Resource Assessment, Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (National Parks Conservation Association, November 2002)

Studies in lake trout and common whitefish in Waterton Lakes, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta (Canadian Wildlife Service, 1957)

Superintendents Biographies, Waterton Lakes National Park (Chris Morrison, Parks Canada, c2015)

The Archaeology of Pass Creek Valley, Waterton Lakes National Park. Volume I Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 61 (Brian Reevs, Parks Canada, 1972)

The Battle of Vimy Ridge and Place Names of Waterton Lakes National Park (Meg Stanley, RETROactive, April 5, 2017)

The History of Waterton Lakes National Park, 1800-1937 (Ian Allison Ludlow Getty, for Parks Canada, March 1972, rev. February 1972)

The mammals of Waterton Lakes National Park (A.W.F. Banfield, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1947)

The mammals of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series Number 23 (J. Dewey Soper, Environment Canada, 1973)

The Trees and Forests of Waterton Lakes National Park (Chas R. Stanton, Environment Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, c1975)

Using under-road tunnels to protect a declining population of long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in Waterton Lakes National Park (University of Alberta Libraries, 2011)

Visitor attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge concerning bears and bear management practices, Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada (University of Alberta Libraries, 1990)

Waterfall Ice Climbing and Avalanches in Canada's Mountain National Parks / Escalade de cascades de glace et avalanches dans les parcs nationaux des montagnes du Canada (Parks Canada, 2005)

Waterton-Glacier Guide (English): (4) 1983, (2) 1986, (3) 1986, (1) 1987, (2) 1987, (3) 1987, (4) 1987, (1) 1988, (2) 1988, (3) 1988, (4) 1988, (1) 1989, (2) 1989, (3) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; Français: 2012, 2013, 2014)

Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta: Lakes amid the mountains Miscellaneous Report 10 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1964)

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (Canada and USA) : report of the reactive monitoring mission, 20 to 27 September 2009 (Paul R. Dingwall and Kishore Rao, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, 2009)

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park : the economic implications of expanding Waterton Park into the Flathead region of British Columbia (Jim Johnson, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, 2005?)

Where the Mountains Meet the Prairies: A History of Waterton Lakes National Park Microfiche Report Series No. 524 (Graham A. Macdonald, Parks Canada, 1992)

Wildflowers of Waterton Lakes National Park (National Parks Canada, 1970) / Les Fleurs Sauvages du Parc National des Lacs Waterton (Parcs Canada, 1982)

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Last Updated: 01-Aug-2024