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Brochures Documents Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2005) Draft Management Plan / Plan directeur provisoire (Parks Canada, February 2020) Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2022) Nomination of the Rideau Canal by the Government of Canada, 2006 for Inscription on the World Heritage List / Mise en candidature (2006) du Canal Rideau par le gouvernement du Canadaen vue de son inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial (Parks Canada, 2006) World Heritage Site Management Plan / Plan de gestion du site du patrimoine mondial (Parks Canada, 2005) Historical Documents
A History of the Rideau Lockstations (©Ken W. Watson, 2000) A History of the Smiths Falls Lock Stations, 1827-1978. Volume I Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 373 (Peter DeLottinville, Parks Canada, 1979) A History of the Smiths Falls Lock Stations, 1827-1978. Volume II Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 373 (Peter DeLottinville, Parks Canada, 1979) A Wilderness Survey: Laying out the Rideau Canal, 1826-1832 (Robert W. Passfield, extract from HSCT Bulletin, Vol 7 No. 2, May 1983) Action research to improve water quality in Canada's Rideau Canal: how do local groups reshape environmental governance? (Isha Mistry, Christine Beaudoin, Jyoti Kotecha, Holly Evans, Manuel Stevens, Jesse C. Vermaire, Stephen J. Cooke and Nathan Young, extract from Local Environment, Vol. 26 No. 5, 2021) Addendum to Canal Lock Design and Construction, The Rideau Canal Experience, 1826-1982: Lock Gate Removal, Ottawa Locks, October 27, 2009 (©Friends of the Rideau, 2010; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau) Archaeological Excavations at the Newboro Lock Station, Rideau Canal, Ontario, 1986-87 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 459 (Stephen F. Mills, Parks Canada, 1990) Assessment of Engineering Structures, Phase I - Historical Evaluation, Rideau Canal (James De Jonge, Parks Canada, 1985) Basic Impact Analysis: Old Slys Locks 26 & 27 Masonry Repairs, Rideau Canal, Smith Falls, Ontario (Parks Canada, July 2018) Basic Impact Analysis: Burrits Rapids Swing Bridge Rehabilitation, Burrits Rapids, ON (Parks Canada, August 2017) Boating Safely / Plaisanciers: Pensez Sécurité (Parks Canada, 2011) Canal Lock Design and Construction, The Rideau Canal Experience, 1826-1982 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 57 (Robert W. Passfield, Parks Canada, 1983) Canal Lock Design and Construction, The Rideau Canal Experience, 1826-1982 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 57 (Robert W. Passfield, Parks Canada, 1983, revised 2010; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2010) Commercial Navigation on the Rideau Canal, 1832-1961 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 247 (Edward F. Bush, Parks Canada, 1977; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2013) Commercial Navigation on the Rideau Canal, 1832-1961 / La navigation commerciale sur le canal Rideau, 1832-1961 History and Archaeology/Histoire et archéologie 54 (Edward Forbes Bush, Parks Canada, 1981) Construction du canal Rideau: histoire illustrée (Robert W. Passfield, Parcs Canada, 1982) Construction History of the Rideau Canal Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 193 (Karen Price, Parks Canada, 1976) Defensible Lockmaster's House, Davis Lock, Rideau Canal: A Comparative Structural History (Margaret Carter, Parks Canada, 1989) "Dividing the Waters": A Preliminary Overview of Water Management on the Rideau, 1832-1972 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 179 (Brian S. Osborne, Donald Swainson and Susan Code, Parks Canada, April 1985) Drawings Black Rapids Lock 13, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, undated) Burritts Rapids Swing Bridge (Parks Canada, September 2017) Edmond's Lock 26, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, 2016) Old Slys Lock 26 & 27, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, 2016) Ottawa Lock Station Lock Control Building, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, 2013) Ottawa Walls, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, August 2016) Poonamalie Lock 32, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, 2016) Upper Brewers Lock 43, Rideau Canal (Parks Canada, 2015) Elements of Military Heritage: A Structural History of the Merrickville and Newboro Blockhouses, the Jones Falls and Whitefish Guardhouses, and the Jones Falls Defensible Lockmaster's House Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 372 (William Wylie and Thomas Newman, Parks Canada, 1980) Engineered Landscapes: The Rideau Canal's Transformation of a Wilderness Waterway (©Ken W. Watson, 2006; digital edition courtesy of Ken W. Watson all rights reserved) Engineering the Defence of the Canadas: Lt. Col. John By and the Rideau Canal Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 425 (Robert W. Passfield, Parks Canada, 1980) Environmental Standards and Guidelines Document Ontario Waterways (SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. for Parks Canada, July 2017) Evaluation of the aquatic habitat and fish assemblage in an urban reach of the historic Rideau Canal, Ottawa, Canada: Implications for management in an engineered system (Robyn P. Walker, Amanada C. O'Toole, Zach Whynot, Kyle C. Hanson and Steven J. Cooke, extract from Urban Ecosystem, Vol. 13, 2010, ©Spring Science+Business Media, LLC) From War to Winterlude 150 Years on the Rideau Canal / De la défense à la détente Les 150 ans du canal Rideau (May E. Peck, Public Archives Canada, 1982) Geology of the Rideau Region (©Ken W. Watson) Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Rideau Canal National Historic Site Chaffeys Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Chaffeys résidence fortifiée maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 89-158, October 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Clowes Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Clowes résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-79, September 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Davis Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Station d'écluse Davis maison du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 88-80, October 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Davis Lockstation Storehouse/Lock Office / Poste d'éclusage Davis entrepôt/bureau d'éclusage (FHBRO No. 89-157, December 17, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Foundry / Fonderie (FHBRO No. 91-78, January 24, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Hartwells Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Hartwells résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-133, October 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Hartwells Lockstation Storehouse / Poste d'êclusage de Hartwells entrepôt (FHBRO No. 91-133, October 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Jones Falls Lockstation Blacksmith's Shop / Poste d'éclusage de Jones Falls forge (FHBRO No. 89-156, December 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Jones Falls Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Jones Falls résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 89-156, December 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Kilmarnock Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Kilmarnock résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-77, July 10, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Kingston Mills Lockstation Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Kingston Mills Résidence du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 89-11, October 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Lower Beveridges Lockstation Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Lower Beveridges Résidence du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-73, September 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Lower Brewers Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Lower Brewers résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 89-155, December 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Narrows Lockstation Blockhouse / Poste d'éclusage Narrows Blockhaus (FHBRO No. 89-160, December 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Newboro Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage Newboro Blockhaus (FHBRO No. 89-159, December 10, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Nicholsons Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Nicholsons résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-80, July 10, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Old Slys Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage d'Old Slys Résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-75, September 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Ottawa Lockstation Commissariat Building / Station d'écluse d'Ottawa bâtiment de l'intendance (FHBRO No. 91-134, December 1, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Ottawa Lockstation Lock Office / Poste d'éclusage d'Ottawa bureau d'écluse (FHBRO No. 91-134, March 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Poonamalie Lockstation Defensible Lockmaster's House / Poste d'éclusage de Poonamalie résidence fortifiée du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 91-72, July 10, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Upper Brewers Lockstation Lockmaster's House / Station d'écluse Upper Brewers maison du maître-éclusier (FHBRO No. 88-81, October 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Heritage, Graves, and the Afterlife of Colonial Infrastructure: The Case of the Rideau Canal (Gabrielle Mclaren, NiCHE, June 15, 2021) Heritage Passages: Bytown and the Rideau Canal Narrative Bibliography (2012, ©Heritage Passages) Heritage Trails: Exploring the Rideau Canal Edukit / Les sentiers du patrimoine: À la découverte du Canal Rideau trousse éducative (Parks Canada, 2000) Historic Bridges on the Rideau Waterways System: A Preliminary Report Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 212 (Robert W. Passfield, Parks Canada, 1976) Historic Bridges on the Rideau Waterways System: A Preliminary Report extract from Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 212 (Robert W. Passfield, Parks Canada, 1976, revised 2009; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2009) History of the Rideau Canal (©Ken W. Watson) Industries and Industrialists of Merrickville, 1792-1979. Vols. 1-3 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 423 (Richard Tatley, Parks Canada, 1979; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2011) Limnological Effects of 19th Century Canal Construction and Other Disturbances on the Trophic State History of Upper Rideau Lake, Ontario (Catherine E. Christie and John P. Smol, extract from Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, Vol. 12 No. 4, 1996, ©North American Lake Management Society) Lockmasters on the Rideau Canal (Ellen Manchee, Parks Canada, November 2002, rev. March 2006, April 2007, August 2013) Multiple Use Management of the Rideau and Trent-Severn Waterway Reservoir System (L. Charron, B. Kitchen, A. O'Dell and B. Stephenson, extract from Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 7 No. 2, 1982) Nineteenth Century Industrial Development in the Rideau Corridor: A Preliminary Report Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 215 (Marsha Hay Synder, Parks Canada, 1977) Optimum Recreational Development in the Quinte-Kingston Area A Supplementary Report of CORTS (Canada Ontario Rideau - Trent - Severn Study Committee, September 1973) Overland Transport in the Rideau Region, 1800-1930 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 424 (Edward Forbes Bush, Parks Canada, 1979; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2011) Overland Transport in the Rideau Region, 1800-1930 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 424 (Edward Forbes Bush, Parks Canada, 1979) Policies for In-Water and Shoreline Works and Related Activities, Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Sites of Canada / Politiques régissant les ouvrages riverains et en milieu aquatique de même que les activités connexes, Lieux historiques nationaux de Canada du Canal-Rideau et de la Voie-Navigable-Trent-Severn (Parks Canada, 2007) Preliminary Site Study, Poonamalie Lock Station (Linda Smith, Parks Canada, 1983) Preliminary Study: The Jones Falls Site & Lock Station (Rideau Canal Project Team, August 7, 1973) Profil de certains édifices de long du canal Rideau: le "Royal Engineers' Office" et l'édifice du Commissariat à Ottawa, étude du paysage de la station d'éclusage d'Ottawa, le tunnel de chemin de fer à Ottawa, la forge à Jones Falls et le blockhaus à Kingston Mills Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 225 (Jean-Claude Parent, Parks Canada, 1977) Recreational Boating on the Rideau Waterway, 1890-1930 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 253 (Larry Turner, Parks Canada, 1986; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2009) Regenerating the Heart of Rural Ontario: New Life for Old Mills (©Carly Farmer, Carleton University, 2017) Rideau and Trent-Severn Historic Canals: Corridors of Change (The Canals Review Team for Parks Canada, 1995) Rideau Canal National Historic Site/World Heritage Site (©Ken W. Watson, 1996-2019) Rideau Canal Oral History Project, 1989-1990: A Report Microfiche Report Series/Rapport sur microfiches No. 426 (Larry Turner, ©Commonwealth Historic Resource Management Ltd. for Parks Canada, March 1990) Rideau Canal Policies (Parks Canada, April 1988) Rideau Community Histories (©Ken W. Watson) Rideau Corridor Landscape Strategy: Landscape Character Assessment & Planning and Management Recommendations / Stratégie d’aménagement du corridor Rideau: Évaluation de caractérisation du paysage et Recommandations en matière de planification et de gestion (Dillon Consulting Ltd. for Parks Canada, prepared 2012, released 2013) Rideau Heritage Route Tourism Association: Tourism Economic Impact and Product Feasibility Study (BDO Consulting, November 1, 2017) Rideau Reflections: Newsletter of the Friends of the Rideau (©Friends of the Rideau, 2006-2020) Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Salvage Archaeology at Lower Brewers Lock, Ontario, 1976 from Miscellaneous Salvage Archaeology Reports. Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 231 (Peter G. Lane, Parks Canada, 1976) Sites of Grave Meaning: The Heritage of Human Remains on the Rideau Canal (©Casey Gray, Carleton University, 2018) Statement of Heritage Value, Rideau Canal National Historic Site Black Rapids Lockstation Landscape, Lock, Lockmaster's House, Dam, and Weirs Draft (Parks Canada, July 26, 2017) Burritts Rapids - Lock 17 Draft (Parks Canada, July 27, 2017) Edmunds Lockstation - Lock 25 Draft (Parks Canada, August 10, 2017) Hartwells Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, September 2, 2015) Jones Falls Fixed Bridge Draft (Parks Canada, July 7, 2015) Jones Falls Lockstation - Landscape, Locks 39-42, Lockmaster's House, Stone Arch Dam, Blacksmith's Shop, Timber Long Bridge and Lock Office Draft (Parks Canada, July 17, 2017) Kingston Mills Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, September 15, 2017) Kingston Mills Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, October 2, 2015) Merrickville Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, September 2, 2015) Narrows Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, September 10, 2015) Newboro Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, October 1, 2015) Ottawa Locks Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, October 1, 2015) Poonamalie - Lock 32 Draft (Parks Canada, July 14, 2017) Smiths Falls Lockstation - Landscape, Locks 28-31, Lockmaster's House, Stone Arch Dam, Wood's Mill, and Lock Office Draft (Parks Canada, July 13, 2017) Upper and Lower Nicholsons Lockstation Landscape Draft (Parks Canada, September 10, 2015) Upper and Lower Nicholsons Lockstation Landscape, Lockmaster's House, Dam, and Weir Draft (Parks Canada, July 26, 2017) Steamboating on the Rideau Canal Bytown Pamphlet Series No. 71 (Mike Nelles, The Historical Society of Ottawa, August 2007) Stone Masonry at the Rideau Canal System (D.H. Shields, for Parks Canada, March 6, 1975) Supplying the Rideau: Workers, Provisions and Health Care During the Construction of the Rideau Canal, 1826-32 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 249 (Jaime Valentine, Parks Canada, 1985) The Architectural Heritage of the Rideau Corridor Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 105 (Barbara A. Humphreys, Parks Canada, 1973) The Architectural Heritage of the Rideau Corridor Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 10 (Barbara A. Humphreys, Parks Canada, 1974) The Builders of the Rideau Canal, 1826-32 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 185 (Edward F. Bush, Parks Canada, 1976) The Canals of Canada Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 8 (John P. Heisler, Parks Canada, 1973) The Construction Camp at Newboro: Land Use Study of Lot 1, Concession 5, North Crosby Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 293 (Karen Carter-Edwards, Parks Canada, 1987) The Cultural Landscapes of the Rideau Canal Corridor: Phase II Study (Herb Stovel, Nick Adams, Barbara Humphreys, David Jacques, Jim Mountain, Meryl Oliver and Rob Snetzinger, The Institute for Heritage Education, March 1998) The De-Evolution of Parks Canada (©Ken W. Watson, September 2015, updated December 2018) The First Tay Canal in the Rideau Corridor, 1830-1850 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 142 (Larry Turner, Parks Canada, 1984; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2009) The Military Establishment at Bytown, 1826-1856 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 109 (James A. De Jonge, Parks Canada, 1983) The Rideau Canal, 1832-1914 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 177 (Judith Tulloch, Parks Canada, 1975; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2009) The Rideau Canal: Defence, Transport and Recreation / Le canal Rideau: défense, transport, récréation History and Archaeology/Histoire et archéologie 50 (Judith Tulloch, Parks Canada, 1981) The Rideau Canal: Yesterday and Today (David Sadler, Parks Canada, June 1977) The Rideau Route: Exploring the Pre-Canal Waterway (©Ken W. Watson, 2007) The Rideau Trent Severn Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow A Report on Optimum Recreational Development (Canada Ontario Rideau - Trent - Severn Study Committee, May 1971) The Role of the Rideau Waterway, 1826-1856 (©Robert Brown Sneyd, September 1965) The Second Tay Canal in the Rideau Corridor, 1880-1940 Microfiche Report Number/Rapport(s) sur microfiches 295 (Larry Turner, Parks Canada, 1986; digital edition courtesy of Friends of the Rideau, 2014) Thomas Burrowes and the Rideau Corridor (Brian S. Osborne, Parks Canada, October 1982) Visitor Experience Opportunities Concept for Merrickville / Long Island Reach (Kim Whytock & Associates Inc., undated) Watson's Guide to the Rideau Canal (©Ken W. Watson, February 28, 2023) Watson's Paddling Guide to the Rideau Canal (©Ken W. Watson, July 2021) Books/Livres | |||||
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