Mount Revelstoke National Park
Parc national du Mont-Revelstoke

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Take a cool stroll through a lush rainforest on a hot summer day. Stand at the point of no return, where champions once launched themselves down a world-famous ski jump, and imagine the thrill of flight. Climb the only mountain in the national park system that you can summit just a short walk from your car – all at Mount Revelstoke National Park.

Par une chaude journée d’été, promenez-vous dans la fraîcheur d’une forêt pluviale luxuriante. Rendez-vous au point de non-retour du tremplin de ski de renommée mondiale et imaginez la sensation qu’ont ressentie les champions qui s’y sont jadis lancés. Atteignez le sommet de la seule montagne du réseau des parcs nationaux dont vous pouvez commencer l’ascension à quelques pas de votre voiture. Ces formidables activités vous attendent au parc national du Mont-Revelstoke.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1914

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British Columbia

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Management Documents

Management Plan, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks of Canada, Rogers Pass National Historic Site of Canada / Plan directeur, Parcs nationalaux du Canada Mont-Revelstoke et des Glacier, Lieu historique national du Canada du Col-Rogers (Parks Canada, 2022)

Draft Management Plan, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks/Rogers Pass National Historic Site / Plan directeur, Parc national Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers/Lieu historique national du Col-Rogers (Parks Canada, 2021)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010)

Multi-species Action Plan for Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada and Glacier National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans les parcs nationaux du Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

State of the Parks Report, Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada and Glacier National Park of Canada / Rapport sur l'état des parc, Parc national du Canada du Mont-Revelstoke et Parc national du Canada des Glaciers (Parks Canada, March 31, 2008)

State of the Park Assessment / Évaluation de l'état du parc (2018)

What We Heard (Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks/Rogers Pass National Historic Site) / Ce que nous avons entendu (Parc national Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers/Lieu historique national du Col-Rogers) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

What We Heard — Mountain National Parks (Executive Summary) / Ce que nous avons entendu — Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Résumé) (Parks Canada, August 2019)

Historical Documents

Auy pays du glaciers : Parc national du Mont-Revelstoke et Parc national des Glaciers (John G. Woods, Parcs Canada, 1987)

Avalanche Terrain Ratings for Backcountry Touring in the Mountain National Parks / Côtes des terrains avalancheux pour les randonnées hivernales dans l'arrière-pays des parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, 2005)

Bats of Kootenay, Glacier, and Mount Revelstoke national parks in Canada: identification by echolocation calls, distribution, and biology (M.B. Fenton, H.G. Merriam and G.L. Holroyd, extract from Canadian Journal of Zoology, Vol. 61, 1983)

Common Mammals of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks / Les mammifières communs des parcs nationaux du Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers (Parks Canada, undated)

Conservation Strategy for Southern Mountain Caribou in Canada's National Parks / Stratégie de conservation du caribou des montagnes du Sud dans les parcs nationaux du Canada (Parks Canada, 2011)

Ecological Land Classification of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, British Columbia, Vol. I: Integrated Resource Description Alberta Institute of Pedology Publication No. M-84-11 (P. L. Achuff, W.D. Holland, G.M. Coen and K. Van Tighem, eds., Environment Canada-Alberta Institute of Pedology, 1984)

Ecological Land Classification of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, British Columbia, Vol. II: Wildlife Resource (K.J. Van Tighem and L.W. Gyug, Environment Canada-Alberta Institute of Pedology, April 1984)

External Threats Assessment: Mount Revelstoke And Glacier National Parks, 1992-1994 (John L. Turnbull, Parks Canada, 1994)

Fire Regime Analysis, Mount Revelstoke National Park (Marie-Pierre Rogeau, May 2000)

Fire Risk of Environmentally Sensitive Sites, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks - BC, Part 1: Fire Regime Analysis of Greater MRGNP (Marie-Pierre Rogeau, December 2003)

Fishing Regulations Summary: Mountain National Parks in Alberta & British Columbia (Parks Canada, April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013, April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks Pest Report (Jack Monts, Canadian Forest Service, May 20, 1975)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, 1993 FIDS Pest Report 93-31 (L.S. Unger and A.J. Stewart, Canadian Forest Service, December 1993)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks FIDS Pest Report 94-32 (L. Unger and A. Stewart, Canadian Forest Service, December 1994)

Forest insect and disease conditions in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks FIDS Pest Report 95-27 (L.S. Unger and A.J. Stewart, Canadian Forest Service, December 1995)

Geology of the National Parks of Canada in the Rockies and Selkirks (B.R. MacKay, Parks Canada, 1952)

Glacier Country: Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Park (John G. Woods, Parks Canada, 1987)

Glacier and Mount Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia: Where rivers are born Miscellaneous Report 11 (David M. Baird, Geological Survey of Canada, 1971)

Glaciers in the Canadian Columbia Basin: Technical Report (Brian Menonos and Ben Pelto, Canadian Columbia Basin Glacier and Snow Research Network, February 2020)

Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks (A.P. Coleman, Parks Canada, 1921)

Guide to the Geology of the Canadian National Parks on the Canadian Pacific Railway between Calgary and Revelstoke (Charles Camsell, Parks Canada, 1914)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Mount Revelstoke National Park

Summit Fire Lookout / Tour d'observation du sommet (FHBRO No. 87-47, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Warden's Cabin / Abri des gardiens (FHBRO No. 87-48, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Important Forest Insects and Diseases in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks Pest Report (J.S. Monts and R.L. Fiddick, Canadian Forest Service, April 7, 1972)

Mitigation multi-species mortality and fragmentation on the Trans-Canada Highway, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, British Columbia Final Report (Anthony P. Clevenger, Michael A. Sawaya, Erin L. Landguth and Ben Dorsey, for Parks Canada, November 2014)

Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks Invasive Alien Plant Management Plan (December 2016)

Règlement sur la pêche - sommaire: parcs nationaux des montagnes de l'Alberta et de la Colombie-Britannique (Parks Canada, du 1er avril 2012 au 31 mars 2013, du 1er avril 2006 au 31 mars 2007)

Operational Resource Management Plans, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks (Parks Canada, 1978)

Review of Park Herbaria and Files for Kootenay, Yoho, and Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks (J. Williams Consulting, December 1995)

Selkirk Summit (Parks Canada, 1990)

The Selkirk Range (Vol. 1, Vol. 2) (A.O. Wheeler, Department of Interior, 1905)

Welcome to Mount Revelstoke National Park and the Meadows in the Sky Parkway / Bienvenue au parc national du Mont-Revelstoke et de la Promenade des Prés-Dans-Le-Ciel (Parks Canada, undated)

Wildlife Checklist—Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Parks Natural History Handbook No. 2 (The Friends of Mt. Revelstoke and Glacier, undated)

Liste-type des animaux—Parcs nationaux du Mont-Revelstoke et des Glaciers Deuxième livret d'histoire naturelle (The Friends of Mt. Revelstoke and Glacier, undated)

Woodland Caribou - Mountain National Parks / Caribou des bois - Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, November 2011)

Woodland Caribou - Mountain National Parks / Caribou des bois - Parcs nationaux des montagnes (Parks Canada, Spring 2012)

Xplorers / Xplorateurs (Parks Canada)

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Last Updated: 01-Aug-2024