Fort Langley National Historic Site
Lieu historique national du Fort-Langley

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Strategically located on the banks of the Fraser River, the palisades of Fort Langley stand tall. Discover the rich and varied history of this Hudson’s Bay Company fur trading post as you explore the rough-hewn timber buildings that recreate life in the 1800s.

Situées stratégiquement sur les rives du fleuve Fraser, les palissades du Fort-Langley sont imposantes. Découvrez l’histoire riche et variée de ce poste de traite des fourrures de la Compagnie de la Baie d’Hudson, en explorant les bâtiments en bois brut qui recréent la vie dans les années 1800.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1923

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British Columbia

Management Documents

Management Plan: 2005, 2013, 2024 / Plan directeur: 2005, 2013, 2024 (Parks Canada)

State of the Site Report 2011 / Rapport sur l'état du lieu 2011 (Parks Canada, 2011)

Historical Documents

2006 Telephone Survey of British Columbia Residents: Final Report, Fort Langley National Historic Site of Canada (Channy Chow, Parks Canada, November 2007)

2T80: Backhoe Trench Monitoring, Fort Langley National Historic Park, 20 July 1993 (Stanley A. Copp, July 26, 1993)

A History of Fort Langley, 1827-96, Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 20 (Mary K. Cullen, Parks Canada, 1979)

Appendices to "The History of Fort Langley, 1827-96", Canadian Historic Sites No. 20/Lieux historiques canadiens n° 20 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 222 (Mary K. Cullen, Parks Canada, 1973)

Cold War on the Fraser (B.A. McKelvie, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 286, Autumn 1955)

Fort Langley (extract from The Beaver, Outfit 259:3, December 1928)

Fort Langley, 1827-1927: A Century of Settlement in the Valley of the Lower Fraser River (Denys Nelson, Vancouver, BC: Art, Historical and Scientific Association of Vancouver, 1927)

Fort Langley: A Site History, 1886-1986 Microfiche Report Series 329 (Jamie Morton, Parks Canada, 1986)

Fort Langley: An Overview of the Operations of A Diversified Fur Trade Post 1848 to 1858 and The Physical Context in 1858 Microfiche Report Series No. 340 (J. Morton, Parks Canada, c1987)

Fort Langley, Historic H.B.C. Post in British Columbia (F.W. Howay, extract from The Beaver, Vol. 2 No. 2, November 1921)

Fort Langley in Re-Creation (J. Calder Peeps, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 289, Autumn 1958)

Fort Langley: Outpost of Empire (B.A. McKelvie, ©The Southam Company Limited, 1947)

Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Fort Henry National Historic Site

Big House / Grande Maison (FHBRO No. 96-114, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Northeast Bastion / Bastion nord-est (FHBRO No. 96-114, August 10, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Servants' Quarters / Logement des employés (FHBRO No. 96-114, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Storehouse / Entrepôt (FHBRO No. 94-67, November 8, 1996, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Historic Forts and Trading Posts of the French regime and the English Fur Trading Companies (Ernest Voorhis, comp., Department of the Interior, 1930)

Historic Furnishing Plan: Big House - 1858, Fort Langley National Historic Park, Fort Langley, B.C. (Jamie Morton, Parks Canada, 1987)

Species At Risk Assessment, Fort Langley National Historic Site (Mark A. Adams and Rachael E. Jones, ECL Envirowest Consultants Ltd. for Parks Canada, March 2002)

The Bastion: The Newsletter of Fort Langley National Historic Site (Parks Canada, Vol. 1 Issue 3, Fall 2005)

The Early and Middle Pre-Contact Periods at Fort Langley National Historic Site (DhRp-36) (Stanley A. Copp, extract from Archaeology of the Lower Fraser River Region, ©Archaeology Press, 2017)

Western Canadian Fur Trade Sites and the Iconography of Public Memory (Michael B. Payne and C.J. Taylor, excerpt from Manitoba History, No. 46, Autumn/Winter 2003-2004)

Xplorers: Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale / Xplorateurs: L'épaulard résident du sud, une espèce menacée (Parks Canada)

of related interest

Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Washington, USA

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025