Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site
Lieu historique national de la Piste-Chilkoot

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Parks Canada photo

The Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site of Canada is a traditional transportation route through rugged mountain terrain, connecting the upper Yukon River in British Columbia with the Pacific Coast on the Taiya Inlet in Alaska. It is best known as the route used by thousands of prospectors on their way to the Yukon gold fields during the gold rush of 1897-1900.

Follow the fabled Chilkoot Trail along the centuries old path first crossed by Chilkoot Tlingit traders and later stormed by the Klondike Gold Rush stampeders. Hike through narrow windswept valleys and scale the precipitous Chilkoot Pass. Visit a Victorian-era church still standing in a vanished boom town.

Le lieu historique national du Canada de la Piste-Chilkoot est une route traditionnelle qui traverse un terrain montagneux accidenté. Elle relie le cours supérieur de la rivière Yukon à la côte du Pacifique au niveau du passage Taiya en Alaska. Elle est connue comme étant la route empruntée par des milliers de chercheurs d'or venus au Yukon pendant la ruée vers l'or de 1897-1900.

Suivez la formidable piste Chilkoot, ce chemin plusieurs fois centenaire. Il a d’abord été traversé pour la première fois par les commerçants Tlingit de Chilkoot. Plus tard, ce sont les prospecteurs de la ruée vers l’or qui l’ont pris d'assaut. Parcourez en randonnée les étroites vallées balayées par le vent et montez dans la montagne vers le col Chilkoot. Visitez une église de l’ère victorienne toujours intacte dans une ville abandonnée qui fût jadis prospère.

Source: Canada's Historic Places & Parks Canada Websites (2022)

Established: 1987

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Yukon Territory
Territoire du Yukon

Management Documents

Commemorative Integrity Statement / énoncé d'intégrité commémorative (Parks Canada, May 1, 1996)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2010)

Historical Documents

Abandoning the Cult of the Artifact: Cultural Landscape Management on the Chilkoot Trail (David Hems, extract from CRM, Vol. 20 No. 4, 1997)

Attitudes toward limiting overnight use of the Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site (©Tom W. Elliot, University of Montana Thesis, 1994)

Boating on the Chilkoot Research Bulletin No. 290 (David Neufeld, Parks Canada, March 1991)

Cultural Resource Background: Log Cabin Shelters at Lindeman, Chilkoot Trail NHS (David Neufeld, Parks Canada, 2008)

Cultural Route and the Heritage Management Challenge: The Klondike Gold Rush: A Case Study (Guy Masson, extract from 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium, October 2005)

Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church / Église presbytérienne St. Andrew (FHBRO No. 88-176, May 1, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Other People's History: Commemorating the Cultures of Yukon First nations (David Neufeld, extract from CRM, Vol. 20 No. 4, 1997)

Over the Chilkoot with Duff Pattullo (Robin Fisher, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 67:4, August-September 1987)

Preserving the Past On the Trail of '98 (Jeffrey Murray and Jennifer Hamilton, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 67:4, August-September 1987)

Resolving Inter-Group Conflict in Winter Recreation: Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site, British Columbia (©Siobhan Jackson, Simon Fraser University Thesis, February 2001)

The Chilkoot: A Literature Review Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 203 (Richard J. Friesen, Parks Canada, 1977)

The Chilkoot Pass and the Great Gold Rush of 1898 / Le col Chilkoot et la ruée vers l'or de 1898 History and Archaeology/Histoire et archéologie 48 (Richard J. Friesen, Parks Canada, 1981)

The Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site: a Canadian cultural route management approach (©Guy Masson, paper at Australia ICOMOS Making Tracks Conference, 2001)

The Chilkoot Trail: Then and Now (Dow V. Baxter, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 296, Summer 1964)

The Effects of a Restrictive Management Approach on the Chilkoot Trail Visitor Population: A Twelve-year Trend Study (©Anne-Marie Légaré, Summer 2006)

of related interest

A Wild Discouraging Mess: A History of the White Pass Unit of the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Julie Johnson, 2003)

Chilkoot Trail: From Dyea to Summit with the '98 Stampeders Occasional Paper No. 26 (Robert L. Spude, ©Cooperative Studies Unit University of Alaska, 1980)

Hikers on the Chilkoot Trail: A Descriptive Report (Peter Womble, Wendy Wolf and Donald R. Field, January 1978)

The Chilkoot Trail: Cultural Landscape Report for the Chilkoot Trail Historic Corridor — Part 1: History, Existing Conditions, & Analysis (2011)

The Wreck of the A.J. Goddard: A sternwheeler from the days of the Klondike Gold Rush / L'épave du A.J. Goddard : Un bateau à aubes de l'époque de la Ruée vers l'or du Klondike (Lindsey Thomas, Doug Davidge and John Pollack, Government of Yukon, 2012)

Wild Rivers Survey 1971 - Yukon: Chilkoot Trail, Bennett Lake, Nares Lake, Tagish Lake, Atlin Lake and Marsh Lake Reports (Ian Donaldson, Parks Canada, c1971)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025