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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 11

A History of Fort George, Upper Canada

by Robert S. Allen


1 Guy Johnson, "Extracts from the Records of Colonel Guy Johnson during the Year 1775," Canadian Archives Report for 1904 (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1905), pp. 374-456.

2 A. M. S. Davis, "The Employment of Indian Auxiliaries in the American War," English Historical Review, Vol. 2, No. 8 (October 1867), p. 710.

3 Jack M. Sosin, "The Use of Indians in the War of the American Revolution: A Re-assessment of Responsibility," Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 46, No, 2 (June 1865), p. 120; see also Dale Van Every, A Company of Heroes (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1962); and Howard Swiggett, War out of Niagara: Walter Butler and the Tory Rangers (New York: Columbia University Press, 1933).

4 See Canada, Public Archives (hereafter cited as PAC), MG12, B123, pp. 238-40, 298-8, Lt. John Turney (Butler's Rangers) to Maj. Arent de Peyster (Military Commandant, Detroit), Sandusky, 7 June 1782: and Capt. William Caldwell (Butler's Rangers) to de Peyster, 26 August 1782; see also Milo M. Quaife, "The Ohio Campaigns of 1782," Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. 17, No. 4 (March 1931), pp. 19, 528.

5 Samuel Flagg Bemis, "Canada and the Peace Settlement of 1782-83," Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 14, No. 3 (September 1933), p. 281.

6 PAC, MG12, B55, p. 233, Haldimand to Thomas Townshend, the future Lord Sydney and Secretary of State at the Home Department, Quebec, 23 October 1782.

7 Ibid., B103, p. 175, Brig. Gen. Alan MacLean (Military Commandant, Niagara) to Haldimand, Niagara, 18 May 1783.

8 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 48, Haldimand to Lord North, Quebec, 27 November 1783.

9 Alfred Leroy Burt, The United States, Great Britain and British North America (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1840), p. 84.

10 Ibid., The Old Province of Quebec (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1833), p. 304.

11 Angus C. McLaughlin, "The Western Posts and the British Debts," American Historical Association Report for 1894, p. 418.

12 John Graves Simcoe, The Simcoe Papers, ed., Ernest A. Cruikshank (Toronto: Ontario Historical Society, 1923-26), Vol. 4, p. 286, George Beckwith, Adjutant General of Upper and Lower Canada, General Order, 1 June 1786.

13 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 1206, Lt. Gov. Peter Russell to Lt. Gen. Robert Prescott, governor in chief and commander of the forces, York, 20 August 1798. The Queen's Rangers was a Loyalist regiment under the commands of Robert Rogers, then John Graves Simcoe, the future lieutenant governor of Upper Canada. The regiment fought galantly throughout the American Revolution until the surrender of Cornwallis as Yorktown in October, 1761. The regiment was re-formed in 1782-83 as a pioneer corps for service in Upper Canada, and was disbanded in 1802 following the Treaty of Amiens. The Royal Canadian Volunteers was a provincial corps raised in 1784. Under the command of Col. John Macdonell, the unit was stationed at frontier posts in Upper Canada until 1802, when it also was abandoned. The Volunteers built the first Fort George between the years 1787 and 1799.

14 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 72, Major Robert Matthews to Eves Nepean, permanent under-secretary, home department, Plymouth barracks, 9 July 1790.

15 Anonymous, "Treaty with Mississaugas," Niagara Historical Society (hereafter cited as NHS), Vol. 41 (1930), pp. 144-5, Navy Hall, County of Lincoln, Province of Upper Canada, 7 December 1792.

16 Isaac Weld, Travels Through the States of North America and the Province of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795, 1796, 1797 (London: J. Stockdale, 1807), Vol. 2, p. 417.

17 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 546, Lt. Col. John Macdonell to Major James Green, military secretary, Fort George, 26 May and 12 July 1799.

18 Ibid., Vol. 512, Lt. Col. Robert Pilkington, Royal Engineers to Macdonell, Fort George, 18 September 1799.

19 John Maude, "Diary of John Maude," NHS, Vol. 11 (1903), pp. 38-7, dated at West Niagara, late Newark, 27 August 1800.

20 Born in Guernsey, Channel Islands, 6 October 1769; purchased a commission in 8th, (King's Liverpool) Regiment, 1785; exchanged to 49th (Hertfordshire) Regiment, 1791, and spent the next two years at garrison posts in Barbados and Jamaica; purchased majority in 49th in 1795: became lieutenant colonel of that regiment in 1797: spent several months in Jersey, then to Holland with the army under the Duke of York: participated in the Battle of Egmont-op-Zee, 2 October 1798; campaigned against the Danes at Copenhagen, 1801; stationed at Colchester, England, 1801-02; spring of 1802, regiment embarked for Canada: by 1803 detachments of unit scattered in Upper Canada, but principally at Fort George, and York, the provincial capital. For accounts of the career of Brock, see Ferdinand Brock Tupper, The Life and Correspondence of Major General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B. (London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1847), Matilida Edgar, General Brock (Toronto: Morang and Co., 1904), Walter R. Nursey, The Story of Isaac Brock (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1923), and Carol Whitfield, "The Canadian Career of Sir Isaac Brock," see this volume.

21 See Matilda Edgar, op. cit., pp. 61-4, and William Kirby, Annals of Niagara (Welland: Tribune Press, 1896), pp. 125-7.

22 Thomas Moore, "Account of Thomas Moore, NHS, Vol. 11 (1903), p. 37.

23 J. MacKay Hitsman, The Incredible War of 1812 (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1965) (hereafter cited as Incredible War), pp. 13-4.

24 George Harlot, Travels Through the Canadas (Edmonton: M. G. Hurtig, 1971), p. 150.

25 For the Chesapeake Affair and its significance in Anglo-American relations, see Alfred Leroy Burt, op. cit. (1940), pp. 241-8; Reginald Horsman, The Causes of the War of 1812 (New York: A, S. Barnes & Co., 1962), pp. 102-4; Ernest A. Cruikshank, "The Chesapeake Crisis sails effected Upper Canada," Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, Vol. 24 (1927), pp. 281-322; Ferdinand Brock Tupper, op. cit., pp. 60-3, Brock to Lord Castlereagh, Secretary for War and the Colonies, York, 25 July 1807.

26 Charles Presline, "Journal of Charles Prenline," NHS, Vol. 11 (1903), p. 38; and PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 22, Castlereagh to Craig, 1 September 1807.

27 J. MacKay Hitsman, Safeguarding Canada, 1763-1871 (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968), p. 71.

28 J. MacKey Hitsman, Incredible War, p. 20.

29 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 676, Gore to Craig, York, 20 February 1809.

30 See Reginald Horsman, "British Indian Policy in the Northwest, 1807-1812;" Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. 45, No. 1 (June 1958), pp. 51-66.

31 William Claus, "Claus Papers," NHS, Vol. 42 (1931), pp. 63, 84-9, Proceedings of Councils with the Six Nations, Indian Council House, Fort George, 10 August 1808 and 10 and 13 March 1809.

32 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 1706 (Freer Papers), Report of the Fortified and Military Posts in Upper Canada, Bruyeres to Lt. Noah Freer, Military Secretary, Quebec, 24 August 1811.

33 Ibid., Report of the State of the Field Artillery in the Canadas, Lt. Col. George Glasgow, R.A., to Prevost, Quebec, 18 September 1811.

34 PAC, MG12, War Office Papers 17, Vol. 1516, Strength Returns, Canada, 25 November 1811.

35 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 673, Brock to Prevost, York, 2 December 1811.

36 William Wood, ed., Select British Documents of the Canadian War of 1812 (hereafter cited as Select Documents) (Toronto: Champlain Society, 1920-28), Vol. 1, pp. 9, 169-71, 188-9, 190-1, Brock to Prevost, 25 February, 22 and 23 April 1812.

37 PAC, MG11, CO42, Vol. 148, Prevost to Liverpool, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, Quebec, 18 May 1812.

38 William Kirby, op. cit., p. 157.

39 Ernest A. Cruikshank, "The Battle of Fort George," NHS, Vol. 12 (1904), p. 5.

40 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 876, Brock to Prevost, Fort George, 3 July 1812.

41 J. MacKay Hitsman, Incredible War, p. 75.

42 George E. G. Stanley, "The Indians in the War of 1812," Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 31, No. 2 (June 1950), p. 181, Brock to Prevost, Fort George, 7 September 1812.

43 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier, 1812-14 (Welland: Tribune Office, 1896-1908) (hereafter cited as Documentary History) Vol. 1, p. 298, Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn, Lewiston, 27 September 1912.

44 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History, Vol. 12, p. 14.

45 See J. MacKey Hitsman, Incredible War, p. 88; Ernest A. Cruikshank, Documentary History, Vol. 2, pp. 71-3; and Carol Whitfield, "The Battle of Queenston Heights", see this volume.

46 Roger Hale Sheaffe, "Documents Relating to the War of 1812; The Letter-book of General Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe," ed., Frank H. Severance, Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society, Vol. 17 (1913), p. 277.

47 Ernest A. Cruikshank, Documentary History, Vol. 2, pp. 130-1; and see J. G. Currie, "The Battle of Queenston Heights," NHS, Vol. 4 (1898), p. 20.

48 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 677, Sheaffe to Prevost, Fort George, 3 November 1812.

49 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History, Vol. 2, p. 288, Lt. Col. Christopher Myers to Sheaffe, Fort George, 22 November 1812.

50 Roger Hale Sheaffe, op. cit., Vol. 18, p. 312, Sheaffe to Prevost, Fort George, 23 November 1812,

51 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 389, Bruyeres to Prevost, Kingston, 13 February 1813.

52 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History, Vol. 12 (1904), p. 23.

53 Ibid., pp. 21-2.

54 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 678, Lt. Col. John Harvey to Col. Baynes, adjutant general, Fort George, 25 May 1813.

55 William Wood, ed., Select Documents, Vol. 2, pp. 103-7, Brig. Gen. John Vincent to Prevost, Forty Mile Creek, 28 May 1813.

56 For a more detailed breakdown of the casualties suffered by His Majesty's troops at the Battle of Fort George and for a strength, return of British troops at Burlington Heights after the engagement, see Appendices A and B.

57 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History, Vol. 4, p. 204, Charles Askin to his father, John, Ten Mile Creek, 8 July 1813.

58 Ibid., Vol. 8, pp. 283-4, Brig. Gen. Peter B. Porter to John Armstrong, Secretary of War, Black Rock, 27 July 1813.

59 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 1219, Prevost to Earl Bathurst, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, St. David's, Niagara Frostier, 25 August 1813.

60 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History, Vol. 6, p. 115, Brig. Gen. George McClure to Daniel D. Tompkins, governor of the state of New York, Fort George, 1 November 1813.

61 Ibid., pp. 262-3, Maj. Gen. William H. Harrison to McClure, Newark, 15 November 1813.

62 Ibid., pp. 262-3, McClure to Armstrong, Fort Niagara, 10 December 1813.

63 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 681, Lt. Col. John Murray to Vincent, Fort George, 12 December 1813.

64 Quebec Gazette (Lower Canada), 13 January 1814.

65 William Wood, ed., Select Documents, Vol. 2, p. 502, Lt. Gen. Gordon Drummond to Prevost, St. David's, 22 December 1813.

66 William Hamilton Merritt, "Journal at Captain William Hamilton Merritt, 1812-1815," in: William Wood, ed., Select Documents, Vol. 3, p. 612.

67 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 388, Royal Engineers Office, Montreal, 3 July 1814.

68 Ibid., Riall to Drummond, Fort George, 12 July 1814: for a statement of questions and answers on the state of defence at Fort George in the summer of 1814, see Appendix C.

69 Ernest A. Cruikshank, ed., Documentary History, Vol. 8, pp. 62, 66-8, 71, Riall to Drummond, Twenty Mile Creek, 17 July 1814.

70 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 684, Drummond to Prevost, Niagara Falls, 27 July 1814.

71 Ibid., Vol. 389, Report of the Royal Engineers to Prevost, Fort George, 5 February 1815.

72 Ibid., Maj. Gen. Frederick Robinson to Drummond, Kingston, 10 July 1815.

73 Ronald L. Way, "Defences of the Niagara Frontier, 1784-1870," (M.A. Thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, 1938), Drummond to Bathurst, Quebec, 15 August 1815.

74 R. Langslow, "Journal of Captain R. Langslow, 1817," NHS, Vol. 11 (1903), p. 40.

75 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 674, Charles Bagot, British Minister to the United States, to Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, governor in chief of British, North America, Washington, 6 October 1817.

76 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 969, Report of Col. ? Grant, 70th Regt., Fort George, 11 October 1818.

77 Adam Hodgson, "Letters from North America, 1819-1820," NHS, Vol. 11 (1903), p. 43.

78 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 238, Reduction of Fort George, 31 January 1826.

78 E. T. Cake. "Diary of E. T. Coke," NHS, Vol. 11 (1903), p. 45.

80 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vols. 748 and 915, withdrawal of Fort George detachment, 1 August 1836, and Office of the Royal Engineers, 16 March 1839.

81 Benson J. Lossing, The Pictorial Field-book of the War of 1812 (New York: Harper and Bros., 1869), pp. 418-9.

Appendix A

1 Ernest A. Cruikshank, "The Battle of Fort George," NHS, Vol. 12 (1904), pp. 33-4.

Appendix B

1 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 678, Papers of Thomas Tayler.

Appendix C

1 PAC, RG8, C (Military) Series, Vol. 388, pp. 148-51.

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