Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area
Aire marine nationale de conservation du Lac-Supérieur

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

There’s a reason Lake Superior has been referred to as an inland ocean and you’ll discover that for yourself when you visit this immensely beautiful Great Lake. Called gichigamiing or “The Big Lake” by the Anishinaabe people of the region and known for its furious storms, the Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area will soon be recognized as one of the largest protected areas of fresh water in the world.

On compare souvent le lac Supérieur à une mer intérieure. Découvrez-le par vous-même en vous rendant près de ce Grand Lac, gigantesque et magnifique. Surnommé « gichigamiing » (le Grand Lac) par le peuple Anishinaabe, ce plan d’eau est réputé pour ses violentes tempêtes. L’aire marine nationale de conservation du Lac-Supérieur sera bientôt reconnue comme l’une des plus grandes étendues d’eau douce protégées au monde.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 2007

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Management Documents

Interim Management Plan / Plan directeur provisoire (Parks Canada, January 2016)

Historical Documents

A Biodiversity Conservation Assessment for Lake Superior — Volume 1: Lakewide Assessment Final Draft (Superior Work Group of the Lake Superior Lakewide Action and Management Plan, June 2013)

A Biodiversity Conservation Assessment for Lake Superior — Volume 2: Regional Unit Summaries Final Draft (Superior Work Group of the Lake Superior Lakewide Action and Management Plan, June 2013)

shoreLINES: Stories from our guides and guardians (Parks Canada, 2011-2020)

Supplemental Climate Information: Nipigon (Lake Superior NMCA Office) (Scott Parker, Parks Canada, February 6, 2018)

The Lake Superior Aquatic Invasive Species Guide (Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, March 2014)

Visitor Experience Strategy / Stratégie de l'expérience du visiteur (Parks Canada, August 2017)

Xplorers / Xplorateurs (Parks Canada)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025