Shoal Tower National Historic Site is a circular
stone defensive tower located on a shoal in the harbour, directly
offshore from the site of the historic City Hall and the site of the
former Market Battery in Kingston Ontario. From this location, the Shoal
Tower had a commanding field of fire over Kingston’s commercial harbour
and the entrance to the Rideau Canal. Official recognition refers to the
tower itself plus the submerged rubble and cribbing associated with the
tower’s construction.
Le lieu historique national de la Tour-Shoal est
une tour défensive circulaire en pierre, située sur un haut-fond du
port, au large de la côte, directement en face de l'hôtel de ville
historique et du site de l'ancienne batterie Market de Kingston, en
Ontario. La tour Shoal possédait un angle de visé dominant du port
commercial de Kingston et de l’entrée du canal Rideau. La reconnaissance
officielle comprend la tour plus le moellon et le pilier immergés
associés à la construction de cette tour.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1924
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Pour plus d’informations veuillez visiter LE SITE WEB OFFICIEL DE PARCS CANADA
Historical Documents
Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Shoal Tower National Historic Site
Shoal Martello Tower / Shoal Martello Tower (FHBRO No. 88-77, July 27, 1989, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Report of the 1972 Archaeological Excavations of the Market Shoals Tower, Kingston, Ontario, Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 15 (Donald A. Harris, Parks Canada, 1976)
Report on the 1972 Excavations of the Market Shoals Tower, Kingston, Ontario (Donald A. Harris, Parks Canada, April 1972)