Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site
Lieu historique national du Phare-de-Fisgard

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Fisgard Lighthouse and its light keeper’s residence comprises a two-storey residence with attached cylindrical light-tower, located on Fisgard Island on the east side of the entrance to Esquimault Harbour, just north of Juan de Fuca Strait.

Le lieu historique national du Canada du Phare-de-Fisgard et la résidence du gardien se compose d'une résidence de deux étages avec un phare cylindrique attenant, situés sur l'île Fisgard, du côté est de l'entrée du port d'Esquimalt, juste au nord du détroit Juan de Fuca.

Source: Canada's Historic Places Website (2022)

Established: 1958

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British Columbia

Brochures expand section

Management Documents

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, October 2003)

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2022)

Draft Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2022)

Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le lieu historique national de Fort Rodd Hill Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

Multi-species Action Plan for Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada [Proposed] Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series (Parks Canada, 2016)

Historical Documents

A History of Fisgard Lighthouse and the West Coast Lighthouse System to 1920. Part I Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 356 (Susan M. Lambeth and Susan L. Jeune, Parks Canada, 1980)

A History of Fisgard Lighthouse and the West Coast Lighthouse System to 1920. Part II Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 356 (Susan M. Lambeth and Susan L. Jeune, Parks Canada, 1980)

Butterflies of Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands (Parks Canada, undated)

Climate Change Adaptation Workshop: Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites, Victoria, B.C. / Série de rapports d'ateliers sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques : Lieux historiques nationaux du Fort Rodd Hill et du Phare-de-Fisgard, Victoria, C.-B. (Parks Canada, October 2019)

Filming Locations, Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites (Parks Canada, undated)

Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site

Fisgard Lighthouse NHS and Keeper's Dwelling / LHN du phare Fisgard et habitation (FHBRO No. 96-96c, February 5, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Rare Plant and Plant Species Inventory for Fort Rodd Hill / Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites (Hans Roemer for Parks Canada, August 2002)

The Canadian Lighthouse, Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 9 (Edward F. Bush, Parks Canada, 1975)

Towards a Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems in Canada: Ecological Assessment and Literature Review Technical Report GBEI/EC-00-030 (Marilyn A. Fuchs, Environment Canada, 2001, © Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change)

Vegetation for Fort Rodd Hill/Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites (Aruncus Consulting for Parks Canada, September 2002)

Xplorers / Xplorateurs(Parks Canada)

Xplorers: Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale / Xplorateurs: L'épaulard résident du sud, une espèce menacée (Parks Canada)

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Last Updated: 01-Aug-2024