1993 |

Vermilion Lakes Visitor Survey: Asking First Saves Regrets Paul Lauzon
Special Editorial Sandra B.M. Davis
Should Campgrounds Have Campfires Renata Bailey and Allan Stendie
The Bar U Community during the 1890s Simon Evans
Gwaii Haanas: Archaeology and Palaeoecology Daryle Fedje
Natural Region Highlights
Revelstoke's Vision: Will It Help Achieve Sustainable Development? Jenny Feick and Albert Einsiedel, Jr.
Earthwatch Expedition Jenny Feick and Albert Einsiedel
Laskeek Bay Conservation Society: Volunteers Carrying Out Scientific Research Doug Burles
Montane Ecoregion: Banff's Key Ecosystem Management Challenge Cliff White and Judy Otton
Personal Profile Dr. Peter L. Achuff
Harlequin Duck Peter Clarkson
Reports Focus on Natural Resources
Podium: Reaching the Urban Constituency: Reasons for City-Based Park Interpretation Graham A. MacDonald
Meetings of Interest

Place Names and Myths of Gwaii Haanas C.J. Taylor
Editorial Patricia Benson
Canadian Attitudes Towards our National Parks Sylvanna Hegmann
Identifying Stressed Wapiti and Moose Normand L. Cool and Robert J. Hudson
Uncovering the Past at The Bar U Ranch Rod J. Heitzmann
Natural Region Ecosystem Management Specialists
Individual-Based Models of Ecological Systems Edward McCauley
Using Satellite Imagery Analysis to Depict Coastal Ecosystems Dennis Jaques and John McIntosh
Shrub Layer Dynamics: Elk Island National Park Charles Blyth
Contaminated Sites: Yesterday's Solution / Today's Problem Bill Yeo
The Fight with the Kicking Horse River - und der Fluss siegte doch! Christopher Weaver
Reports Focus on Archaeological Services
Podium: An Outside-in View of Park Management Paul A. Galbraith
Meetings of Interest
1994 |

Contaminated Sites Program: Environmental Decommissioning of Beban Camp Liz Baker
Editorial Patricia Benson
Research on Bat Activities and Habitat Patrick F.J. Garcia
Measuring Client Satisfaction in Alberta and British Columbia National Park Campgrounds Anne-Marie Pham
Taking a Chance Toward a Better Solution Sue Krys
Natural Region Highlights
"Wildlife Research and Management in the National Parks" Book review by Graham MacDonald
Studying Sustainable Development in Action Jenny Feick
Grass Roots Action In Yoho National Park Steve Christy
Of Bugs and Bears Mike Gibeau
NRCB Westcastle Decision Released Kevin Van Tighem
Podium: Ethics and Wildlife Biology Mike Gibeau
Meetings of Interest

Sowing the Seeds of the Past Anne Dickinson
Around the Parks and Beyond
Ecological research group formed John Woods
Do Parks Canada messages have effect? Paul Lauzon
W.F. Whitcher: Victorian science in Canada's first national park W.B. Yeo
Waste Stream Analysis helps Jaser recycle Evelyn Saurette
Natural Region: Meet the Western Parks' Wildlife Specialists
Wildlife Research Notes
Emigrating Sheep Wesley Bradford
Charging Elk Carey Elverum
Transformed landscape patterns: Cutting Edge Research Carolos Galindo-Leal
Stewardship essays inspire and provoke reviewed by John McIntosh
Greening the Canada Games Casey Morrow
Podium: Carnivore conservation a crucial issue David Poll
Meetings of Interest

Horse Days at the Cow Ranch Simon Evans
Around the Parks Peter D. Francis
Cultural Landscapes C.J. Taylor
Mysterious Graves Roderick J. Heitzmann
Teaching cultural resource management Cornell Wynnobel
Guest Lecturer Video Series
Protecting National Collections Christine Feniak
Regional Highlights: Catching up with National Historic Sites
A New Cultural Resource in the Yukon David Neufeld
Perplexing housepits in Banff: who made them and why? Martin Magne
Bankhead's Staircase To Nowhere Perry Davis
Discoveries on the Pacific Coast Iam Sumpter
Podium: Replacement vs. Repair Bob Grill and Janet Gourlay-Vallance
Meetings of Interest
1995 |

Caves of the Rocky Mountains Jonathan Rollins
Around the Parks
In the footsteps of the caribou... Michael Morris
Innovation at Motherwell Homestead David Hems
Measuring Performance Anne-Marie Pham
Natural Region Highlights: Research Priorities for 1995
Crowded in Jaser? Paul Lauzon
Chemical-free gardens flourish at Wasagaming townsite Hugh Penwarden
Happy in Banff? Paul Lauzon
Appetizer of a book doesn't fill you up reviewed by Doulas Clark
Podium: Communicating research crucial Ross MacDonald
Meetings of Interest

Fire in Protected Areas Stephen Woodley
Editorial Marzena Czarnecki
The Western Fire Management Centre: development and implementation Alan Westhaver and Bruce Sundbo
Fire, weather, and history C.E. Van Wagner
Science and Paradox: The development of Kootenay's fire management plan Robert C. Walker
Parks' Fire Information System: Using communication technology and information transfer in nation-wide fire management activities Mark Heathcott
Sleuthing in the Mountain Parks Marie-Pierre Rogeau
Banff's modeling system: predicting effects of disturbance David Gilbride
Natural Region Highlights: Fire Specialists
Guest Profile: Charles E. Van Wagner Dean of Canadian Fire Behavior Mark Heathcott
From the Past: The first prescribed burn in Eastern Canada Raymond Quenneville
Jasper wardens involve high school students in fire monitoring Steve Otway
Aboriginal Burning Robert C. Walker
Pre-Columbian Human Ecology Charles E. Kay
Same or Different? Banff study compares results of prescribed burns and wildfires Jack Wierzchowski
Podium: Forest fires, human use, and biodiversity: Co-existing on a small planet Ian Pengelly
Meetings of Interest

Biotic Impoverishment: The results of sport fish stocking during Banff's early years are still with us today Brian R. Parker and David W. Schindler
Editorial Marzena Czarnecki
History Notes Graham MacDonald and Barbara Holliday
Cultural Depressions: Aboriginal housepits in Banff National Park continue to puzzle archaeologists E. Gwyn Langermann
Burning Bushes: Elk Island makes the most of an accidental fire Anne Dickinson
Responsible Power Source Pat Inglis and Alvin Sippola
Natural Region Highlights: Links with Post-secondary Institutions
Sustainability or Status Quo? Revelstoke reflects on its vision Jenny L. Feick
One Bear's Story Carey Elverum
Lakes Reveal Their Secrets: Sediment coring reconstructs vegetation dynamics in Kootenay Valley Douglas Hallet
Insects Hold Secret to Health Garland Jonker and Joseph Culp
Amphibian researchers rejoice! reviewed by Suzanne Barnes
Podium: Protecting the Past Archaeology looks to future cooperative management of aboriginal resources Martin Magne
Meetings of Interest
1996 |

Ecological Research on Bears Using DNA Fingerprinting David Paetkau and Curtis Strobeck
Editorial Patricia Benson
On the map: National Parks Maps in the William C. Wonders Map Collection Sandy Campbell
Unstable Ground: Assessing the Risks of Rock Slides David M. Cruden
Dynamics of Alpine Larch at the Timberline Brendan Wilson
Pine and Spruce Species and their Hybrids Provide Gene-Pool Information Om P. Rajora, Phambu D. Khasa and Bruce P. Dancik
Research Highlights: U of A Researchers are Experts in Many Disciplines
Protected Landscapes: The British Experience Guy S. Swinnerton
Guest Lecturer Video Series
Touring Canada's Treasures: Heritage Rivers Have Stories to Tell reviewed by Dianne Willott
Podium: Critical Issues for the Next Century: Two Parks Canada Experts Share Their Views Charles Blyth and Rod Heitzmann
Meetings of Interest

Bull Trout and Aquatic Ecosystem Integrity Kevin Van Tighem
Editorial John R. Post
Research Links Updates: Expanding Our Focus
Mapping Kelp Forests in Barkley Sound Catherine T.J. Elliott and Louis D. Druehl
Preliminary study of Arctic charr in Bluehill Pond Sandy Fraser
Life at the Top: The Biology of the Amphipod Gammaraus l. lacustris in Alpine Lakes Frank M. Wilhelm and David W. Schindler
Harlequin Ducks: Connecting the Mountains to the Sea Peter Clarkson
Banff Water Under the Microscope: Aquatic Ecosystem Projects Currently Underway in Banff National Park
Alerting Anglers: New Fishing Regulations Get the Lead Out of Protected Water Systems
Biodiversity Protocols: EMAN comes to Yoho National Park Shona Burns
1996 Biodiversity Protocols Course Overview
30 Years of research on Peyto Glacier
Flowing into the Future: An Update on the Canadian Heritage Rivers System in Alberta and British Columbia Brian Reader
Mountain Pine Beetle Ecology: Insights From Lake Core Analysis Bjorn G. Prenzel and Robert C. Walker
Historical Transformation of the Fish Fauna of the Central Canadian Rockies David W. Mayhood
Podium: Catch-and-Releases: A Fisheries Management Tool Kerry Brewin
Meetings of Interest

Park Prisoners: Historical Account of internment camps is more than a documentary Graham MacDonald
Editorial Dianne Willott
The Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Michele Banowetz
The Need for Amphibian Monitoring in Protected Areasa Pat Dunn
Exploring the Past: Travelers' Journals and Bog Cores Mary Alice Snetsinger
The Jasper Archaeology Field School Peter D. Francis and Caroline Hudecek-Cuffe
The Culture, Ecology and Restoration Project Eric Higgs
Toxaphene bioaccumulation in Bow Lake Linda Campbell
Pukaskwa National Park's Ecosystem Conservation Plan Frank Burrows
Podium: National Parks at a Turning Point Harvey Locke
Meetings of Interest
1997 |

Highway Effects on Wildlife in Banff National Park: A Research, Monitoring and Adaptive Mitigation Program Anthony Clevenger
Editorial Bernie Lieff
SAMPA III Neil Munro
The George Wright Society Dave Harmon
Defining National Parks: J.B. Harkin and the National Parks Branch C.J. Taylor
Banff-Bow Valley: At The Crossroads Charlie Pacas
Ecological Monitoring in the National Parks of the North Chuck Blyth
The Status and Distribution of Physella johnsoni, the Rare Endemic Banff Springs Snail Dwayne A.W. Lepitzki
Ecological Integrity and Decision Making: Some examples from the Rocky Mountain National Parks Bruce Leeson
Podium: Do Protected Areas Work? David Mayhood
Meetings of Interest

Dungeness Crab: In and around Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Glen S. Jamieson
Editorial Patricia Benson
Whirling Disease Task Force Announced in Alberta Duane S. Radford
Alberta Prairie Conservation Action Plan (1996-2000) Bill Dolan
Parks Canada Research Adventures: Putting Natural Curiosity To Work Donna Cook
Changes in Parks Canada: What is an Ecosystem Secretariat? Doug Hodgins
Field Unit Superintendents in Western Canada*
Remembering Tanya Rintoul 1971-1997
Research Pursuits
SAMPA III Wrap-Up Patricia Benson
Podium: What are Ecosystem Health and Integrity? Garry J. Scrimgenour, Dan Wicklum and Shelley D. Pruss
Meetings of Interest

The Canadian Cowboy: New Perspectives on Ranching History, Sept. 26-28, 1997 Graham A. MacDonald
Editorial Graham A. MacDonald and Patricia Benson
Bernard Charles (Bernie) Lieff, May 31, 1942 to October 25, 1997
Romancing the Dudes David Finch
Preserving Resources at Neubergthal National Historic Site Frieda Klippenstein
Stirling Village National Historic Site, Stirling, Alberta
What is Commemorative Integrity? Bill Yeo
Interpretive Education: An Under-Rated Element of Park Management? Robert Wolfe
Research Links Authors Index
Research Links Subject/Key Word Index
Meetings of Interest
1998 |

Shellfish Monitoring in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Heather Holmes
Editorial Gail Harrison
Bighorn In Our Backyard: Communities Working for Wildlife Larry Halverson and Bill Swan
What's New?
Heritage Tourism Participation by Visitors to Manitoba Kelly J. MacKay
Helping Hands: Earthwatch volunteers and grants for field research David Lowe
Monitoring is for the Birds: Results of the Annual Long Beach Christmas Bird Count Heather Holmes
Case Study: Elk Management in Elk Island National Park Norm Cool
Meetings of Interest

How do we protect Arctic char? Using otoliths to study migration patterns and assess stocks Vicki Sahanatien, Jim Reist and John Babaluk
Editorial Bruce Rigby
Editorial Board Update
Beyond Boundaries: South Nahanni Woodland Caribou Doug Gullickson
The Big Picture: Monitoring Northern Ecosystems from Weather Satellites Stephen McCanny
National Parks of the North
Monitoring Human Use Impacts in Auyuittuq and Ellesmere Island National Park Reserves Vicki Sahanatien
Book Review: Quest for the Origins of the First Americans review by William Fox
Meetings of Interest

Whooping Crane Monitoring in Wood Buffalo National Park Douglas Bergeson
Editorial Gail Harrison
Feeling Sheepish?
Species Probability Modelling in The Georgian Bay Islands National Park Ecosystem Paul Zorn and Justin Quirouette
Who Goes to Churchill? A snapshot of tourists across the seasons Kelly MacKay
Accounting for Nature: The Northern National Parks Ecological Monitoring Program Stephen McCanny
Lemming Monitoring In Northern National Parks Martin Raillard
Podium: Theory and Practice of National Historic Sites C.J. Taylor
Meetings of Interest
1999 |

Another Look Back: Updating the Archaeological Resource Inventory of Prince Albert National Park David Arthurs
Editorial Gail Harrison
What's New for Research Links?
Special Issue: An Introduction to PANP Bill Fisher
Prince Albert National Park: Science Liaison Committee Susan Carr and Guy Melville
Fescue Grasslands in Prince Albert National Park Mary Vetter
Restoration Studies in Waskesiu and Crean Lakes Marlene Evans and Michael Fitzsimmons
Bugged about Dams: Kingsmere Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Guy Melville, Dave Wieder and Michael Fitzsimmons
Research Highlights
Some Preliminary Results on the Ecological Hierarchy of Foraging Activities in Bison, Prince Albert National Park Daniel Fortin and Dan Frandsen
Podium: Ecosystem-based Management Is Parks Canada There Yet? Bill Fisher
Meetings of Interest

Gwaii Haanas: Historic Industrial Sites Survey Ian Sumpter and Lyle Dick
Editorial: Using the Past As a Management Tool Martin Magne
Archaeological Research at the Salmon Beds, Invermere, BC Rod Heitzmann
An Aquatic Biological Indicator to Monitor Organic Contaminants in Elk Island National Park Garry J. Scrimgeour, Dan Wicklum and Shelley Pruss
Documenting the Human History of Wapusk National Park Patrick Carroll
Research Highlights
All That Glitters: The Ancient Obsidian Sites of HooDoo Mountain, Kluane National Park David Arthurs
Podium: On a New Approach to Heritage Presentation at National Historic Sites Frieda Esau Klippenstein
Meetings of Interest

Lightning and Lightning Fire: Central Cordillera, Canada Mark Heathcott
Editorial Gail Harrison
Using Satellite Imagery for Forest Fragmentation Analysis Murray Peterson
Thank You
Cougars Make Tracks for wildlife passages on the Trans-Canada Highway Claire Gloyne and Anthony Clevenger
Speaking of Avalanches... Shelly Funston
The Churchill Oral History Project: Interviews with Inuit Elder John Arnalukjuaq Darren Keith and Andrew Stewart
Research Highlights
Millennial-Aged Trees from Banff National Park Brian Luckman and Don Youngblut
Meetings of Interest
2000 |

Millennial Tides and Archaeology in Gwaii Haanas Daryl Fedje
Editorial: Special Feature on Cultural Resources Management Martin Magne
Stable Carbon Isotopic Analysis of Archaeological Bison Bone: Using zooarchaeology to address questions of the past ecology of bison Gwyn Langemann
The Bare Bones of Ranch History: Zooarchaeology at the Bar U Ranch Kristi Benson
Archaeological Resource Description and Analysis: A Holistic Archaeological Resource Management Tool Peter D. Francis
Built Heritage Resource Description and Analysis C.J. Taylor
Second International Symposium on Cumulative Environmental Effects Management: Tools & Approaches
Research Highlights
Microblades and Human Adaptation in Gwaii Haanas Martin Magne
François Beaulieu
"Picking Up the Threads": Métis History in the North Diane P. Payment
1999 ts'ishaa Archaeology Project: Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Ian Sumpter
The Vanishing Past: Erosion at the Lake Minnewanka Site Alison Landals
Podium: Challenges for Cultural Resources Management into the Twenty-First Century Rod Heitzmann
Meetings of Interest

Square hooks for exotic brooks: experimental gillnet removal of brook trout from Bighorn Lake, Banff National Park Brian R. Parker and David W. Schindler
Editorial Richard Leonard
Release of Report on Ecological Integrity of National Parks
Molecular Ecology and Field Biology: A New Team for Environmental Assessments John G. Woods and Curtis Strobeck
Forest Expansion in Western Canada Martin Köchy and Scott Wilson
Linking Human Use and Wildlife Movement George Mercer, Jurgen Deagle and Geoff Carrow
Confronting Cumulative Effects Shawn Cardiff
Cumulative Environmental Effects Management (CEEM 2000)
Research Highlights
Book Review: "The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History" review by Graham MacDonald
Have We Crossed the Threshold? Site Development and Cumulative Impacts on National Historic Sites David Hems and Paul Downie
What Is the Role of Cumulative Effects Assessment in Adaptive Management? Suzanne Therrien-Richards
Meetings of Interest

Climate-driven ecosystem models: A new tool for understanding variability in coastal marine ecosystems Clifford L.K. Robinson
Editorial Brian MacDonald
Osprey Research in the Rocky Mountains Mark Wayland
Mass Movements and Mortality of Tiger Salamanders on the Trans-Canada Highway in Southwestern AB Anthony Clevenger, Mike McIvor, Diane McIvor, Bryan Chruszcz and Kari Gunson
The Marine Species Biodiversity Program for Gwaii Haanas Norm A. Sloan and Pat M. Bartier
Background on National Marine Conservation Areas (NMCA)
Fish Assemblages of the Southern Gulf Islands, BC: An analysis of recreational SCUBA dive log data Tomas Tomascik and Clifford L.K. Robinson
National Marine Conservation Area: Feasibility Study
Snapshots of the Past: Paleoecological Research in Coastal British Columbia's National Park Reserves Marlow Pellatt
Lightning, Lightning Fires & Fire Frequency in the Central Rockies Kiyoko Miyanishi, Edward A. Johnson, Sheri L. Gutsell, Matthew B. Dickinson and Richard D. Revel
Recently In Print
Podium: Marine Wildlife Viewing Too much of a good thing? Pete Clarkson
Meetings of Interest
2001 |

Climate Change and Polar Bears: Long-term Ecological Trends Observed at Wapusk National Park Nick Lunn and Ian Stirling
Editorial: Science and Management in Wapusk National Park Doug Clark
In Support of Natural History Specimens: "Detailing" a Natural History Collection Lorrie Storr
The Dragonflies of the Columbia Basin, BC: Field Surveys, Collections Development & Public Education Robert Cannings
A View From Outerspace: Vegetation Mapping in Wapusk National Park Ryan Brook, Norm Kenkel and Tom Naughten
Monitoring Habitat Change Using Satellite Imagery: The impact of the Lesser Snow Goose on its Habitat in Wapusk National Park Fawziah Gadallah
Wapusk National Park: Small Mammal Cooperative Inventory Project Jack Dubois
Updated Canada National Parks Act
Research Highlights
Recently In Print
The Land That Lies Between: A History of Land Use in Wapusk National Park Patrick Carroll
Meetings of Interest

Paleoecology and Fire History of Kootenay National Park: Clues from the Past, Issues for the Future Robert C. Walker and Douglas J. Hallett
Editorial Dianne Dickinson
Managing the Ecological Integrity of Elk Island National Park: The Role of a Science Advisory Committee Garry Scrimgeour
History of the SAC
Crustose Lichens: Chronometers of Environmental Change Dan McCarthy
Monitoring Neotropical Migratory Birds in Banff National Park Cyndi Smith
What is MAPS?
Does Habitat Choice By Mountain Pine Beetles Vary With Population Density? Ché Elkin
Research Highlights
Can a Chickadee Cross the Road? Barriers to bird movement in the Bow Valley of Banff National Park Colleen Cassady St. Clair
Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Small Mammal Movement in Banff National Park Wayne McDonald
Giant Liver Fluke: Smaller than a Breadbox...but larger than a Wapiti or Moose! M.J. Pybus
Recently In Print
Meetings of Interest

Getting More from What We Have: The Case of Backcountry Permits Bonita McFarlane, David Watson and Peter Boxall
Editorial Sal Rasheed
Gaining a Better Understanding of Fort Langley National Historic Site Visitors using Pre-Visit and Post-Visit Surveys Eugene Thomlinson
Visitor Motivation: Elk Island National Park
Potential Road Salt Contamination of Wetlands Adjacent to Highways in the Banff Area F. Colleen Wendeborn
Research Highlights
ABCs of Backcountry Monitoring in Riding Mountain National Park Kelly MacKay and Michael Campbell
Traditional Knowledge as a Contribution to National Park Ecological Integrity David Neufeld
Research Links Submission Guidelines
Recently In Print
Podium: Cultural Research in Support of Ecological Integrity Gwyn Langemann
Meetings of Interest
2002 |

Monitoring Plant Community Diversity and Regeneration in the Vermilion Pass Burn: Kootenay and Banff National Parks Greg Chernoff
Editorial Sal Rasheed
Alpine Ponds: Canaries of climate change? Natalie McMaster
Notes of Interest
Predicting Vegetation Patterns at the Landscape Level in Prince Albert National Park S.R.J. Bridge and E.A. Johnson
Research Highlights
The Answer, My Friend, is Blowing in the Wind: Assessing Sources of Particulate Matter in Elk Island National Park Laurie Bates, Angela Treble and Ross Chapman
Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) distribution, life history, & habitat use in the South Nahanni watershed Neil J. Mochnacz, James D. Reist and Douglas P. Tate
Parks Canada and Ecological Monitoring: Looking out for the future John Wilmshurst
Recently In Print
Meetings of Interest

Editorial Gilles Seutin
Seasonal Activities of Northern Black-tailed Prairie Dogs in Grasslands National Park David Gummer, François Messier and Malcolm Ramsay
Rare Plants Discovered in Elk Island National Park Ross Chapman
Roost selection by long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis and M. evotis) in the interior wet-belt of British Columbia M.C. Caceres and R.M.R. Barclay
Badgers: Can We Dig Them Out of this Hole? An Update on the Population Ecology and Conservation of Badgers in Southeast British Columbia N.J. Newhouse and T.A. Kinley
Badger Outreach and Education
Research Highlights
Use of spring migration stopover habitat by trumpeter swans in southern Alberta Jalene M. LaMontagne
Success in establishing a new colony of the endangered Pitcher's Thistle (Cirsium pitcheri) in Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario Andrew Promaine
National Parks and the protection of woodland caribou: a multi-scale landscape analysis M. Manseau, A. Fall, D. O'Brien and M.-J. Fortin
Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Brian Reader
Piping Plover Monitoring at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site Richard Brunt
Recently in Print
Meetings of Interest

Resolving the Triassic/Jurassic Extinction Event: A Case Study in Fossil Resource Management, Queen Charlotte Islands, BC James W. Haggart
Editorial Dianne Dickinson
Noteworthy Items...
Movement of wolves (Canis lupus) in response to human development in Jasper National Park, AB Jesse Whittington
Conserving Whitebark Pine in the Canadian Rockies Jon Stuart-Smith, Brendan Wilson, Rob Walker and Ellen Macdonald
Research Highlights: Ecological Land Classification of Waterton Lakes National Park Cyndi Smith and Peter Achuff
Research Highlights: 2002 WCSC Archaeological Field Activities in BC Coastal Field Unit Ian Sumpter
Population Viability Analysis Applied to Woodland Caribou in Jasper National Park Kyla Flanagan and Salman Rasheed
Fish, Fowl and Food: How interactions between small fish and invertebrates affect aquatic bird foraging behaviour in Alberta's aspen parkland Caroline McParland and Cynthia Paszkowski
Recently In Print
Meetings of Interest
2003 |

Kâ Isinâkwâk Askîy: Using Cree knowledge to perceive and describe the landscape of the Wapusk National Park Area Maria M'Lot and Micheline Manseau
Editorial Lee Jackson
Noteworthy Items...
Bovine Tuberculosis in the Riding Mountain National Park Region Douglas Bergeson, Ken Kingdon and Pat Rousseau
Elk Population Dynamics Following Wolf Recolonization of the Bow Valley of Banff National Park Mark Hebblewhite, Daniel H. Pletscher and Paul C. Paquet
Research Highlights: Wildlife Collisions in Jasper National Park Jim Bertwistle
Research Highlights: Lessons From the Islands: Introduced Species and What They Tell Us About How Ecosystems Work
The Boreal Forest: Mapping Vegetation Diversity from Space Anthony J. Warren, Michael J. Collins and Edward A. Johnson
Seeing our Sites through our Visitors' Eyes: Investigating Visitors' Images of Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site Kelly J. MacKay and Christine Couldwell
Effectiveness of the Voluntary Use Program as Applied on the Odaray Highline Trail: Yoho National Park Wayne Tucker
Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What Really Works reviewed by C.J. Taylor
Recently In Print
Meetings of Interest

Tree-Ring Dating of Historic Log Structures in the National Parks of the Canadian Rockies Karen Brelsford
Editorial Katharine Kinnear
Black Bear Relatedness in a Fragmented Landscape Colin Kristian Reynolds
The Cougar Street Midden: The role of archaeology in contaminated site clean-up Gwyn Langemann and Rena Varsakis
Research Highlights
Recently In Print
The Parks Canada Archaeology Material Culture Reference Collection
Movements, Mortality and Mitigation: An Overview of the Final Report on Roads and Wildlife in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks A.P. Clevenger
Toe of the Athabasca Glacier Safety Signage Project and Evaluation 2002 Trevor McFadyen
Meetings of Interest

Understanding Changes in Pacific Salmon and the implications of climate change on ecosystem structure and function Darren G. Bos, Marlow Pellatt and Bruce Finney
Editorial Salman Rasheed
Noteworthy Item...
Social Capital as a Dimension of Ecosystem-Based Management Jennie Sparkes
Research Highlights: Toads in Trouble Connie Browne, Brian Eaton, Cindy Paszkowski and Ross Chapman
Research Highlights: Parks Canada's Research and Collection Permit System Revamped Stephen Woodley and Doug Hodgins
Elk Herbivory in Jasper National Park Megan Watters, Evelyn Merrill and George Mercer
Siding 29: Using Archival Maps in a High-Tech World Bill Perry
Building Capacity for Biosphere Reserves: Enhancing Opportunities and Reducing Constraints Krista Tremblett
General Information on Biosphere Reserves
Recently In Print
Meetings of Interest
2004 |

Ecological History of Peary Caribou and Muskox on Northern Ellesmere Island, ca. 4300 to present Micheline Manseau, Lyle Dick, N. Lyons,, Christian St.-Pierre and Jennifer Wood
Editorial Dianne Dickinson
Understanding Patterns of Visitor Use in Our National Parks: The 2000 POVU Study for Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks Dave McVetty
Research Highlights Recreation vs. Ecological Integrity at Long Beach, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Julia A. Esron
Research Highlights G8 Legacy Project Underway near Banff National Park Erin Burrell and Bruce Leeson
Digital Cameras for Monitoring Plant Biomass in Grasslands National Park Mryka Hall-Beyer, Nancy A. Lee and John F. Wilshurst
Publications and Updates
Recently in Print