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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 22

Spode/Copeland Transfer-Printed Patterns Found at 20 Hudson's Bay Company Sites

by Lynne Sussman


I owe a great debt to Mr. Robert Copeland of Spode Limited. Over the past eight years Mr. Copeland has identified the major portion of the patterns in this catalogue and has most generously supplied photographs of the patterns from the original copper plate engravings, from the factory pattern record books and from objects in the Spode Limited collection. Unless otherwise noted in the figure legends, the illustrations in this catalogue are courtesy of Mr. Copeland. He has also allowed free access to all relevant information available in the factory records as well as information gathered through his own research.

For his assistance and advice in so many matters, I would especially like to thank Lester Ross, formerly with the Fort Vancouver Archaeological Project, Vancouver, Washington, and now with the National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Ottawa. Fort Vancouver yielded the largest number of excavated patterns and Ross's illustrated manuscript, "Fort Vancouver, 1829-1860," has been invaluable in identifying patterns from other sites.

For artifacts or information regarding the occurrence of Spode/Copeland patterns at archaeological sites, thanks are due to Michael Forsman, formerly with Parks Canada, Winnipeg; John V. Hodges, Regina; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Winnipeg; Donald Steer, Parks Canada, Western Region, Calgary; Dr. Jack Steinbring, University of Winnipeg; Roderick Vickers, University of Calgary; Robert Kidd, Provincial Museum and Archives of Alberta, Edmonton, and Ian Dyck, Ian Brace, Gil Watson and Diane Wilson, Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Regina. Thanks are also due to Elizabeth Collard, Montreal, for information regarding Montreal ceramic wholesalers.

To Leonard Whiter, I wish to acknowledge the helpfulness of the chart in his book Spode; A History of the Family, Factory and Wares from 1733 to 1833 (1970).

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