Pukaskwa National Park
Parc national Pukaskwa

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Waves roll across immense Lake Superior and crash against a remote granite shore. Tracts of windswept spruce and pine reach beyond the horizon from towering cliffs and along secluded sandy beaches. Black bears feast on blueberry bushes; haunting loon song scores sunsets; moose stilt-walk across wetlands. And the culture of the Anishinaabe First Nations connects Pukaskwa National Park's wilderness to the powerful richness of an ancient human story.

Les vagues déferlent sur les rives reculées de l’immense lac Supérieur et se brisent contre les affleurements de granit. Des forêts de pins et d’épinettes balayées par les vents s’étendent à perte de vue au sommet d’imposantes falaises et le long des plages de sable. Des ours noirs se délectent de bleuets, le chant du huard retentit au crépuscule, les orignaux, perchés sur leurs longues pattes, se déplacent dans les zones humides. Rendez-vous au parc national Pukaskwa dont le caractère sauvage se mêle à la riche histoire des Premières Nations Anishinaabes.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1978

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Management Documents

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2015)

Multi-species Action Plan for Pukaskwa National Park of Canada / Plan d'action visant des espèces multiples dans le parc national du Canada Pukaskwa Species at Risk Act Action Plan Series / Loi sur les espèces en péril Série de Plans d'action (Parks Canada, 2017)

Park Management Plan Progress Report 2019-20, Pukaskwa National Park / Plan directeur pour le parc national rapport d'étape 2019-20, Parc national Pukaskwa (Parks Canada, 2020)

Park Management Plan Progress Report 2020-21, Pukaskwa National Park / Plan directeur pour le parc national rapport d'étape 2020-21, Parc national Pukaskwa (Parks Canada, 2021)

Park Management Plan Progress Report 2021-22, Pukaskwa National Park / Plan directeur pour le parc national rapport d'étape 2021-22, Parc national Pukaskwa (Parks Canada, 2022)

State of the Park Report / Rapport sur l'état du parc (Parks Canada, 2008)

Historical Documents

Archaeological Survey in Proposed Development Areas, Pukaskwa National Park Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 439 (Peter Lane and Harley Stark, Parks Canada, 1977)

Demographic Patterns and Limitation of Grey Wolves, Canis lupus, in and Near Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario (S. Anne Forshner, Paul C. Paquet, Frank G. M. Burrows, Graham K. Neale, Keith D. Wade and William M. Samuel, extract from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vol. 118 No. 1, 2004, ©The Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club)

Forest Fire Management Program at Pukaskwa National Park (Mark Crofts, extract from Parks and Protected Areas Research in Ontario, 1998, ©Parks Research Forum of Ontario, 1998)

Geology of the Pukaskwa River-University River Area: Districts of Algoma and Thunder Bay Ontario Division of Mines Geoscience Report 153 (Gerald Bennett and P.C. Thurston, 1977; ©Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines)

Historical and Present Status of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario and Implications for Metapopulation Management, a Review (Keith Wade, extract from Parks and Protected Areas Research in Ontario, 1998, ©Parks Research Forum of Ontario, 1998)

Marathon Palladium Mine: Parks Canada Technical Session Submission (Daniel Pouliot, March 22, 2022)

Oral History of Pukaskwa National Park Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 427 (A.D. Revill Associates, Parks Canada, 1980)

Provisional Master Plan, Pukaskwa National Park (Parks Canada, 1978)

Public Consultation Program — Phase One Response, Pukaskwa National Park (Parks Canada, undated, c1978)

Pukaskwa National Park and the Prehistory of the North Shore of Lake Superior Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 439 (K.C.A. Dawson, Parks Canada, 1979)

shoreLINES: Stories from our guides and guardians (Parks Canada, 2011-2020)

Soils of Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario Soil Survey Report No. 53 (Natural Resources Canada, 1985)

Studies of lakes and streams, Pukaskwa National Park (J. Sutton, L. Maki, K.J. Deacon and G.W. Ozburn, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 1983)

Supporting Information Document No. 26 - Marathon PGM-Cu Project - Assessment of Impacts on Woodland Caribou (Robert F. Foster and Allan G. Harris, Northern Bioscience, July 19, 2012)

Terrestrial effects programme northwestern region - bedrock, soil and vegetation studies around acid sensitive lakes in Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario (Parks Canada, 1986)

Xplorers / Xplorateurs (Parks Canada)


Pukaskwa National Park 17:00 (Bill Mason, National Film Board of Canada, 1983)

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Last Updated: 01-Aug-2024