Step into the vibrant fur trade era in the heart of
Old Lachine. Pass through the doors of the 1803 stone warehouse and
relive a vibrant page of history through the lives of voyageurs, the
bourgeois and the Indigenous peoples. Imagine bales of pelts, stacked
crates of goods and barrels of provisions. In the air there is the
distinct smell of beaver pelts - the most coveted of the furs brought
out of the wilderness.
Retracez l’épopée trépidante du commerce des
fourrures au cœur du Vieux-Lachine. Vous n’avez qu’à pousser les portes
du vieil entrepôt de pierre, construit en 1803, pour revivre une page
d’histoire des voyageurs, des bourgeois et des autochtones. Imaginez les
ballots de fourrures entassés, les caisses de marchandises empilées, les
barriques de vivres alignées et, dans l’air, l’odeur insistante de peaux
de castors – les fourrures les plus convoitées.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1970
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Quebec Québec
Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2007)
Management Plan Newsletter / Bulletin (Parks Canada, 2017)
Management Statement / Énoncé de gestion (Parks Canada, November 2017)
Historical Documents
Freshwater Passages: The Trade and Travels of Peter Pond (David Chapin, 2014, ©Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska)
Sir George Simpson at Lachine (Clifford P. Wilson, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 265:1, June 1934)
School Program / Programme scolaire (Parks Canada, Date Unknown)
The Emperor at Lachine (Clifford P. Wilson, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 265:2, September 1934)
The Emperor's Last Days (Clifford P. Wilson, extract from The Beaver, Outfit 265:3, December 1934)