Sir John Johnson, a loyalist who moved North to
Montreal following the American Revolution, left behind a considerable
estate in Mohawk valley to fund and lead the King’s Regiment of New
York. In 1784 he was instrumental in resettling many loyalists in what
is now Ontario. Johnson himself built a home and mills on the banks of
Raisin river between 1784 and 1792. The home remains one of the oldest
in Ontario.
La maison de sir John Johnson est située dans le
village de Williamstown. Construite en 1792, elle est l’un des plus
anciens bâtiments de la province. Cette maison s’insère dans l’histoire
du peuplement du Canada; elle constitue de plus un bel exemple de
l’architecture de l’époque.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1961
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Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2007)
Historical Documents
Ballaviellen: A Chronological History of the Sir John Johnson Milling Complex in the Village of Williamstown, Ontario 1784-1819 Incomplete, Missing Pages (Preston Scott, Parks Canada, undated)
Sir George Etienne Cartier Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 187 (Louis R. Richer, Parks Canada, 1976)
La maison George-Etienne Cartier, rue Notre-Dame à Montréal Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 240 (Marthe Lacombe, Parks Canada, 1977)