Gaze across the Athabasca River and envision 50
years of fur trading history located at the junction of towering
mountain ranges and mountain passes. For almost half a century Jasper
House was the main stopping place for fur traders using the Athabasca,
and Yellowhead passes, and an important meeting place for adventurers,
voyageurs, artists and missionaries. A short, beautiful walk leads you
to the Jasper House viewpoint.
Pendant près d’un demi-siècle, Jasper House a été
le principal relais des commerçants de fourrures en route vers les cols
Athabasca et Yellowhead. Aventuriers, voyageurs, artistes et
missionnaires s’y rencontraient. Empruntez le sentier pittoresque qui
mène jusqu’à un poste d’observation. Admirez le paysage de la rivière
Athabasca et imaginez 50 ans de traite des fourrures, en plein cœur de
massifs montagneux et de cols de montagne imposants.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1924
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