Retrace the daring exploits of Captain Bob
Bartlett, commander of more than 20 Arctic voyages in the 20th century,
inside Hawthorne Cottage, his family’s beloved homestead. See rare
artefacts from his expeditions and period furnishings as you tour the
cottage and explore its heritage gardens.
Retracez les exploits remarquables du capitaine Bob
Bartlett, qui a mené plus de 20 expéditions dans l’Arctique au XXe
siècle, au cottage-Hawthorne où il a habité avec sa famille. Observez de
rares artéfacts de ses expéditions et des meubles d’époque en visitant
le cottage et les jardins patrimoniaux.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1978
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Pour plus d’informations veuillez visiter LE SITE WEB OFFICIEL DE PARCS CANADA
Newfoundland and Labrador Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2007)
Historical Documents
Drawings: Hawthorne Cottage (Parks Canada, 2018)
Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Hawthorne Cottage National Historic Site
Hawthorne Cottage / Cottage Hawthorne (FHBRO No. 92-84, July 29, 1997, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Parks Canada Projects in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2010 (Jenneth Curtis, extract from Provincial Archaeology Office 2010 Archaeology Review, Vol. 9, March 2011)
Special Events in the National Historic Sites of Canada in Eastern Newfoundland: Replacement Class Screening Report (Parks Canada, December 2007)