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Documents Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2017) Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2001) Historical Documents
1847, Grosse Île: a record of daily events / 1847 Grosse-Île au fil des jours (André Charbonneau and André Sévigny, Parks Canada, 1997) A register of deceased persons at sea and on Grosse Île in 1847 (André Charbonneau and Doris Drolet-Dubé, Parks Canada, 1997) A Small Piece of Ireland? (Christopher Moore, extract from The Beaver, Vol. 73 No. 3, June-July 1993) Development Concept, Grosse Île National Historic Site (Parks Canada, March 1992) Development Concept Supplement, Grosse Île National Historic Site (Parks Canada, 1992) Development Concept Information Pamphlet, Grosse Île National Historic Site (Parks Canada, 1992) Évolution physique et structurale des deux quais de Grosse-Île (Christine Chartré, Parcs Canada, September 1989, revised December 1991) Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site: A Case Study (Margaret G.H. Mac Lean and David Myers, The Getty Conservation Institute, 2003, ©J. Paul Getty Trust) Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site The Anglican Chapel (No. 42) / La chapelle anglicane (no 42) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Bakery (No. 18) / La boulangerie (no 18) (FHBRO No. 90-31, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Catholic Chapel (No. 48) / La chapelle catholique (no 48) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Catholic Presbytery (No. 49) / La presbytère catholique (no 49) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Disinfection Building (No. 29) / L'édifice de désinfection (n 29) (FHBRO No. 90-31, undated, Canadian Register of Historic Places) First-class Hotel (No. 14) / L'hôtel de première (no 14) (FHBRO No. 90-31, February 28, 1997, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Guard Post (No. 35) / Le poste de garde (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Lazaretto / Le lazaret (no 100) (FHBRO No. 90-31, January 23, 1995, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Marconi Station (No. 66) / La station Marconi (no 66) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Medical Assistant's House (No. 38) / Maison du médecin assistant (no 38) (FHBRO No. 90-31, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Nurses' Residence (Building No. 84) / Résidence des infirmières (FHBRO No. 90-31, September 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Old Wash-house / L'ancien lavoir (no 16) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 29, 1993, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Physician's Residence (No. 67) / La résidence de médecin (no 67) (FHBRO No. 90-31, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Physician's Residence (No. 77) / La résidence de médecin (no 77) (FHBRO No. 90-31, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Public Work Officer's House (Building 43) / Maison de l'officier des Travaux publics (bâtiment 43) (FHBRO No. 90-31, September 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The School (No. 71) / L'école (no 71) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Second-class Hotel (No. 22) / L'hôtel de deuxième classe (no 22) (FHBRO No. 90-31, August 10, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Third-class Hotel (No. 19) / L'hôtel de troisième classe (no 19) (FHBRO No. 90-31, February 28, 1997, Canadian Register of Historic Places) The Upper Block (Sailors' Quarters (No 39)) / Bloc d'en Haut (quartiers des marins (no 39)) (FHBRO No. 90-31, March 31, 1998, Canadian Register of Historic Places) Island of the Sorrows (Gary Thomson, extract from The Beaver, Vol. 71 No. 1, February-March 1991) Peu nombreuses mais essentielles : les travailleuses salariées de la station de quarantaine de la Grosse-Ile, 1891-1924 (©Marie-Hélène Vallée, PhD Thesis Université Laval, 2006) | |||||
grosseile/index.htm Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025 |