Grand-Pré National Historic Site
Lieu historique national de Grand-Pré

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada is located at the former Acadian village of Grand-Pré, beside the upper Bay of Fundy, north of Wolfville, Nova Scotia. The site consists of a memorial park created to commemorate the deportation of the Acadians, who settled in the area between 1682 and 1755. The designation includes commemorative buildings, archaeological remains, landscape features and a collection of objects which reflect the presence of Acadians at the site.

Discover powerful Acadian stories within a picturesque landscape. Successes and struggles are illuminated through multimedia presentation and engaging displays, a splendid Victorian garden and a Memorial Church. The site is a monument to Acadian culture and deportation.

Le lieu historique national du Canada de Grand-Pré est situé dans l’ancien village acadien de Grand-Pré, près du fond de la baie de Fundy, au nord de Wolfville, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Le lieu comprend un parc commémoratif créé pour rappeler la déportation des Acadiens qui s’y étaient établis entre 1682 et 1755. La désignation comprend des bâtiments commémoratifs, des vestiges archéologiques, des éléments paysagers ainsi qu’une collection d’objets témoignant de la présence des Acadiens sur place.

Découvrez de grandes histoires acadiennes dans un paysage pittoresque. Les succès et les luttes sont éclairés par des présentations multimédias et des expositions captivantes, un splendide jardin victorien et une église souvenir. Le site est un monument à la culture acadienne et à la déportation.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1982

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Nova Scotia

Management Documents

Management Plan: (2023, 2012, 1985) / Plan directeur: (2023, 2012, 1985) (Parks Canada,)

Public Consultation in the Preparation of a Management Plan for Grand-Pré National Historic Park, January 1984 — Newsletter No. 3 / Consultation publique dans la preéparation du'un plan de gestion pour le parc historique national de Grand-Pré, janvier, 1984 — Bulletin No. 3 (Parks Canada, March 1984)

State of the Site Report 2009 / Rapport sur l'état du lieu 2009 (Parks Canada, 2010)

Historical Documents

Late Eighteenth-Century Agriculture on the Bay of Fundy Marshlands (Graeme Wynn, excerpt from Acadiensis, Vol. VIII, No. 2, Spring 1979)

Management Plan for the Landscape of Grand Pré (Nomination Grand Pré, January 2011)

Management Plan for the Proposed Grand Pré World Heritage Site Draft 1 (Christophe Rivet, Nomination Grand Pré, September 2009)

Marshland Colonization in Acadia and Poitou during the 17th Century (Gregory Kennedy, excerpt from Acadiensis, Volume XLII, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2013)

"Memorial Constructions": Representations of Identity in the Design of the Grand-Pré National Historic Site, 1907-Present (Michael Gagné, excerpt from Acadiensis, Vol. XLII No. 1, Winter/Spring 2013)

Pests that changed the forests of Fundy National Park Information Report M-X-165 (F.A. Titus, Canadian Forest Service, 1987)

Report on the 1972 Excavation of Two Acadian Houses at Grand Pre National Historic Park, Nova Scotia Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 143 (E. Frank Korvemaker, 1972)

Special Events in the Southwest Nova Scotia National Historic Sites of Canada: Replacement Class Screening Report Extension (Parks Canada, September 2005)

The Landscape of Grand Pré World Heritage Site (Claude DeGrâce, Landscape of Grand Pré Society, September 26, 2013)

The Acadians at Grand Pré Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 1 (Margaret Coleman, Parks Canada, 1968)

"The Battle of Grand Pré": The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada and the Commemoration of Acadian History (Roger Marsters, excerpt from Acadiensis, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, Autumn 2006)

The Glengarry Cairn National Historic Site and the Making of Canadian History After WWI (Katie McCullough, NiCHE, June 8, 2021)

World Heritage Nomination Proposal for The Landscape of Grand Pré, Nova Scotia, Canada (January 2011)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025