Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Site
Lieu historique national de la Colline-Battle Hill-des-Gitwangaks

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

At Gitwangak Battle Hill National Historic Site (formerly Kitwanga Fort), scan wide-open views of the scenic Kitwanga River valley and a high grassy knoll, once the site of a fortified village where the Gitwangak people defended their domain in the mid-1700s to 1800s. Hear the whisper of First Nations legends in the air around you as you stand beneath a line of majestic age-old totem poles at nearby Gitwangak Village.

Visitez le lieu historique de la Colline-Battle Hill-des-Gitwangaks (anciennement le fort Kitwanga) et admirez le panorama pittoresque que propose la vallée de la rivière Kitwanga surplombée d’une haute colline gazonnée. Celle-ci fut autrefois le site d’un village fortifié où les Gitwangaks défendirent leur domaine du milieu du XVIIIe siècle jusqu’au début du XIXe siècle. Au village des Gitwangaks situé à proximité, prêtez l’oreille au murmure de la brise qui évoque les légendes des Premières Nations à l’ombre d’une rangée de mâts totémiques majestueux et anciens.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1971

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British Columbia

Management Documents

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, May 2005)

Management Statement / Énoncé de gestion Draft (Parks Canada, 2017)

Management Statement / Énoncé de gestion (Parks Canada, 2018)

Historical Documents

Floristic Inventory of Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site: Species at Risk, Ethnobotany, and Considerations for Historical Ecosystem Restoration (Philip J. Burton and Carla M. Burton, for Parks Canada, December 31, 2002)

Gitwangak village life : a museum collection (Parks Canada, 1986)

Inventory of Species at Risk and Survey of Other Breeding Bird Species, June 10, 2002: Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site (Rosamund Pojar for Parks Canada, June 25, 2002)

Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site, Skeena River, British Columbia: Historical Research and Analysis of Structural Remains Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 341 (George F. MacDonald, Parks Canada, 1979)

The totem poles and monuments of Gitwangak Village (Parks Canada, 1984)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025