The Forks National Historic Site of Canada is an
area of publicly accessible land in the heart of the City of Winnipeg,
Manitoba, comprised of areas known as the South Point and North Point
situated on opposite sides of the Assiniboine River on the west bank of
the Red River. Historically, it was a critical river junction that has
been a transportation point for many generations. Today, The Forks is a
mixed-use gathering place integrating green space, recreation areas,
commercial operations and parking which has been the result of the
redevelopment of former Canadian National rail yards. Delve 6,000 years
into the past at Winnipeg’s “Meeting Place” while soaking up the
bustling ambience. Learn how two great rivers at the heart of the
continent connected the prairies to the world.
Le lieu historique national du Canada de La Fourche
est une zone accessible au public au cœur de la ville de Winnipeg, au
Manitoba. La Fourche se compose de secteurs connus sous les noms de
Pointe sud et Pointe nord, situés sur les rives opposées de la rivière
Assiniboine, sur la rive ouest de la rivière Rouge. Sur le plan
historique, ce confluent a été un lieu de transport important pour de
nombreuses générations. Aujourd'hui, La Fourche est un lieu de
rassemblement à diverses vocations, qui comprend des espaces verts, des
zones de loisirs, des opérations commerciales et un stationnement, suite
au réaménagement des anciennes gares de triage du Canadien National.
Remontez 6000 ans d’histoire dans ce « lieu de rencontre » plein de vie
à Winnipeg. Apprenez comment deux grandes rivières situées au cœur du
continent ont relié la région des Prairies au reste du monde.
Source: Canada's Historic Places & Parks Canada Websites (2022)
Established: 1974
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Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2007)
Management Plan / Plan directeur Draft (Parks Canada, 2017)
Management Statement / Énconcé de gestion (Parks Canada, 2018)
Historical Documents
The Red-Assiniboine Junction: A Land Use and Structural History, 1770-1980 (Rodger Guinn, Parks Canada, 1980)
The Red River Corridor: A Canada-Manitoba ARC Proposal (Agreements in Recreation and Conservation (ARC) Branch, Parks Canada, 1976)
Red River Corridor: Master Development Plan. (A.R.C. Management Board, Parks Canada, 1981)
The Forks Post 1870: Storyline (Gerry Berkowski, Parks Canada, 1987)
Strong Women of the Red River Colony: The Grey Nuns from 1844-1864 / Des Femmes à la colonie de la Rivière Rouge: Les Soeur Grises de 1884 à 1864 (Carole Boily, Parks Canada, 1998)
Animation Artifacts Booklet (Alain Bouchard, Parks Canada, 2003)
The Representation and Interpretation of Man's Use of Plants and the Junction of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers (Susan Buggey, ed., 1985)
The Forks of the Red and Assiniboine: A Thematic History, 1734-1850 Microfiche Report Series No. 383 (Robert Coutts, Parks Canada, 1988)
An Archaeological Survey of Metropolitan Winnipeg, 1968 and 1969. (Gary Dickson, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 3(3&4): 2-29, 1979)
Monitoring Report, Festival Park Development, Phase I, Forks National Historic Site (Paul Downie, Parks Canada, 1999)
The Forks National Historic Site of Canada: Cultural Resource Inventory and Cumulative Impacts Analysis (Paul Downie, Parks Canada, 2002)
The Red and Assiniboine Rivers in Southern Manitoba: A Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Buffer Zone? (S. Biron Ebell, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 12(2): 3-26, 1988)
Period Artifacts from The Forks (S. Biron Ebell and Peter J. Priess, Parks Canada, 1986)
The Heritage Beneath Our Feet (Pam Goundry, 2002)
The Forts at the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers Research Bulletin No. 128 (Rodger Guinn, Parks Canada, 1980)
A Chronology of Known Events at The Forks / Chronologie Connue des Événements Survenus à la Fourche (Heritage Advisory Committee of The Forks North Portage Partnership, 2001)
Red River Settlement (Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, 1988)
The Forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers: An Outline of Historical Significance (Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, undated)
The York/St. Mary Public Archaeology Project (Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, c1990)
Site Development Plan Proposed National Historic Park at The Forks (IBI Group, 1985)
The Forks National Historic Site of Canada - Archaeological Artifact Catalogue (Sandra Jezik, Paul Downie and Lori McKinnon, Parks Canada, 2003)
The Junction: An Assessment of Potential and Preparations for Archaeological Research (M.E. Kelly, O.L. Mallory and G.S. Richards, Paleo Sciences Integrated submitted to Parks Canada, 1979)
Towards a Model of Aboriginal Land Use in the Red-Assiniboine Rivers Junction, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly (Michael E. Kelly, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 8(1): 23-37, 1984)
The Archaeology of Land Based Fur Trade Posts in Western Canada (Olga Klimko, 1994)
B & B Building Foundation Inspection: Archaeological Monitoring (Sid Kroker, The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1989)
North Assiniboine Node Archaeological Impact Assessment (Volume I), Catalogue of Recovered Artifacts (Volume II) (Sid Kroker, The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1989)
Archaeology and Flood Deposits at The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Sid Kroker, Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science, 12-16, 1997)
The Forks Archaeological Impact Assessment and Management Plan (The Forks Archaeological Plan) (Sid Kroker, The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1998)
Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Assiniboine Riverfront Quay (Sid Kroker and Pam Goundry, The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1993)
A 3000 Year Old Native Campsite and Trade Centre at The Forks (Sid Kroker and Pam Goundry, eds., The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1993)
The Forks (1989) Pilot Public Archaeology Project: Administrative Report Sid Kroker, Pam Goundry, Leigh Hambly and Karen Lawlor, 1990)
Identification of Charcoal Samples from The Forks, Manitoba. Historic Resource Conservation Branch, National Historic Parks and Sites Directorate, Ottawa (Louis Lafleche, Historic Resource Conservation Branch, National Historic Parks and Sites Directorate, 1989)
Ceramics as Indicators of Economic Variation in the Red River Settlement (Linda Larcombe, M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, 1988)
The Forks Development Interim Status Report on Development Concepts (Lombard North Group Ltd., 1985)
The Forks Site Development Plan (Lombard North Group Ltd., 1986)
Second Interim Report: The Forks Heritage Interpretive Plan (Lord Cultural Resources Planning and Management Inc., 1990)
A Predictive Study of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers Junction: A Pre-Impact Assessment of the Site of The Forks National Historic Park and the Proposed Provencher Bridge Realignment (K. David McLeod, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, 1986)
A Study of Métis Ethnicity in the Red River Settlement: Quantification and Pattern Recognition in Red River Archaeology (M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, 1985)
The Forks: Then, Now, and in the Future (Jill Mino, 1992)
Status and the fur trade in the Northern Department, 1821 to 1870 in Status, Structure and Stratification; Current Archaeological Reconstructions (Gregory G. Monks, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Chacmool Conference, 1985)
The Use of Tree-Ring Analysis to Determine the Construction Date of Historic Buildings in Manitoba (Erik Nielsen, Glen Conley, and K. David McLeod, Manitoba Archaeological Journal, 5(2), 46-59, 1995)
Fluvial sedimentology and paleoecology of Holocene alluvial deposits, Red River, Manitoba (Erik Nielsen, W. Brian McKillop and Glen G. Conley, Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 47(2): 193-210, 1993)
The Forks National Historic Site: Historic Themes (Parks Canada, 1995)
Native Society and Economy in Transition at The Forks, 1850-1900 Microfiche Report Series No. 383 (Diane Payment, Parks Canada, 1988)
Faunal Exploitation at The Forks: 3000 B.P. to 1860 AD (A. Kate Peach, M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, 1999)
Winter Heritage Recreation Activities, Red River Settlement and Winnipeg, Precontact Time to the Present: Inventory, Resources and Possible Heritage Interpretive Programming (Leo Pettipas, 1995)
The Forks Heritage Interpretive Plan (Leo Pettipas and James Kacki, The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1993)
The Forks (Peter J. Priess and Sheila E. Bradford, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 9(3): 31-43, 1985)
Archaeological Investigation of the Junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, 1984 Research Bulletin No. 241 (Peter J. Priess, P.W. Nieuwhof and S. Biron Ebell, Parks Canada, 1986)
Archaeology at The Forks: An Initial Assessment (Peter J. Priess, S.E. Bradford, S. Biron Ebell and P.W.G. Nieuwhof, Parks Canada, 1986)
Archaeological Assessment of Heritage Resources for the Assiniboine Riverwalk (300 Assiniboine Avenue) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Archaeological Assessment of Impact Zones on South Point for the Proposed Norwood/Main Street Bridge Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Heritage Resource Monitoring for the Reconstruction of the Norwood and Main Street Bridges (1996-1998) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Archaeological Background for the Spirit Island Servicing Project at The Forks (South Point) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2002)
Archaeological Impact Assessment for the Proposed Canadian Museum for Human Rights at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2004)
Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Legacy Estates Project at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2000)
Archaeological Investigations in Conjunction with the Main/Norwood Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1994)
Archaeological Mitigation at the Travel Manitoba Idea Centre at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1994)
Archaeological Mitigation of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2000)
Archaeological Mitigation of the Johnston Terminal Refurbishment Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1993)
Archaeological Monitoring and Impact Assessment Component of The Forks Heritage Plaza Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1993)
Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of The Inn At The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Installation of Primary Pipes and Sewer Control Units (Norwood/Main Project) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Northbound Norwood Bridge Construction Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Northbound Main Street Bridge Construction Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the Parking Structure at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2002)
Archaeological Monitoring and Mitigation of the West Roads Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring and Sub-Surface Activities at the B & B Building (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1992)
Archaeological Monitoring at the Earl's Restaurant Site (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1994)
Archaeological Monitoring of Additional Geo-technical Investigations at the Proposed Arena Location (Portage East Site) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of Excavations for the West Abutment of the Provencher Pedestrian Bridge (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2002)
Archaeological Monitoring of Gas Pipeline Installation along York Avenue (Main St. to Waterfront Dr.) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2004)
Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations at the Portage East Site (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1994)
Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations for the Proposed Canadian Museum for Human Rights at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2004)
Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations for the Proposed Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of Geo-Technical Investigations on South-Point (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1994)
Archaeological Monitoring of Hydro Pylon Caisson Drilling at the Portage East Site (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of Piling Augering for the Access Ramp at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of Piling Augering for the Access Ramp at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of Pumphouse Relocation Component of the Main/Norwood Bridge Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installation for the Manitoba Children's Museum at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1994)
Archaeological Monitoring of Services Installations for the Provencher Pedestrian Bridge (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring of Steam Plant Foundation Inspection at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1995)
Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Expansion (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring of the CanWest Global Park Baseball Facility Parking Lot (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction Components of Festival Park at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2000)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Eastbound Component of the Provencher Paired Bridges (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2002)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of The Forks Heritage Plaza (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Manitoba Theatre for Young People at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1999)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Construction of the Westbound Component of the Provencher Paired Bridges (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Extension of the Parking Lot Drainage System at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Festival Park Gateway Installation (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2000)
Archaeological Monitoring of The Forks Axial Pathway from Esplanade Riel (Pedestrian Bridge) to VIA Rail Station (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring of The Forks Skateboard Park (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2005)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Geo-Technical Investigations along the VIA Right-of-Way at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2001)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Healing Rock Pilings Installation (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1998)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Island Area Road Works: Donald Street to Main Street (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1998)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Main Street Retaining Wall for the CN Overpass Reconstruction Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Archaeological Monitoring of the New Drainage Catchbasin in the Parking Lot North of The Inn at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2004)
Archaeological Monitoring of the New Parking Lot at The Forks (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Archaeological Monitoring of the PanAm Cauldron Pilings Installation (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2000)
Archaeological Monitoring of the Steam Plant Redevelopment (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1999)
Archaeological Monitoring of the York Avenue Underpass Reconstruction Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1998)
Archaeological Resources at the Manitoba Sports Federation Building Site (200 Main Street) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Archaeology of Main Street Roadworks: York Avenue to Tache Avenue 1996-1998 (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1998)
Assessment of Archaeological Resources Within the St. Mary Avenue Extension Right-of-Way (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Geo-Technical Monitoring and the Heritage Resource Management Program for the West Roads Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2001)
Heritage Resource Impact Assessment of the Tourist Hotel Site (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1988)
Heritage Resources Impact Assessment for Proposed York & St. Mary Ave. Extensions (Main St.-Pioneer Blvd) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Heritage Resources Impact Assessment of the Portage East Site (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1996)
Impact Assessment and Archaeological Monitoring of The Forks Access Project: North of Water Avenue Project: (DlLg-77) (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1999)
North/South Access Road Archaeological Impact Assessment (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1988)
Preliminary Archaeological Investigations for the Proposed Norwood/Main Street Bridge Project (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1989)
Preliminary Report of the Cultural Stratigraphy at the Proposed Location for The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2003)
Provencher Bridge Project Archaeological Impact Assessment (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1989)
St. Mary Archaeological Recovery Project: Interim Report (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 1990)
Archaeological Mitigation For The Canadian Museum For Human Rights At The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Quaternary Consultants Ltd., 2013)
A Geomorphological Perspective on the Antiquity of The "Forks" (W.F. Rannie, Manitoba Archaeological Journal, 9(1): 103-113, 1999)
Holocene evolution of the Assiniboine River paleochannels and Portage la Prairie alluvial fan (W.F. Rannie, L.H. Thorleifson and J.T. Teller, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26: 1834-1841, 1989)
Aspects of Fur Trade Ethnobotany in Western Canada (C. Thomas Shay, Manitoba Archaeological Journal, 3(1&2): 6-15, 1993)
Seeds as Symbols: Reconstructing the Diet and Life of the Early Red River Settlement (C. Thomas Shay, Dawson & Hind Quarterly, (15)2: 20-23, 1992)
Aspects of Ethnobotany in the Red River Settlement in the late 19th Century in Status, Structure and Stratification: Current Archaeological Reconstructions (C. Thomas Shay, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Chacmool Conference, 1985)
Plants and People: Past Ethnobotany of the North East Prairie (C. Thomas Shay, The Prairie: Past, Present and Future, 1-7, 1986)
Paleobotanical Studies at The Forks: Analysis of Seeds, Charcoal and Other Organic Remains (C. Thomas Shay, S. Coyston, H. Isfeld and M. Waddell, Manitoba Archaeological Journal, 1(1): 62-92, 1991)
Faunal Analysis of The Forks (Winnipeg) (21K1 to 21K6) Microfiche Report Series No. 277 (Pamela J. Smith, Parks Canada, 1985)
A Parallel-Grooved Avonlea Vessel from The Forks, Winnipeg (DlLg-33) (Paul Speidel, Manitoba Archaeological Journal, 6(2): 72-81, 1996)
Manitoba's Red River Settlement: Sources for Economic and Demographic History (Douglas Sprague and Ronald Frye, Archivaria, 9: 179-194, 1979-80)
Environmental Screening Needs for Heritage Resources Resulting From the Construction of the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) at The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba (E. Leigh Syms, The Manitoba Museum, 2006)
South Point Vision Document: May 1997 (The Forks Aboriginal Planning Committee, 1997)
A Chronological Outline of the Evolution of the Various Fur Trade and Colonial Establishments Near the Forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, 1870-1836 (Parks Canada, undated)
Phase II Planning and Development Guidelines (The Forks North Portage Partnership, undated)
Progress Report (The Forks North Portage Partnership, 1997)
The Forks North Portage Partnership Annual Report (The Forks North Portage Partnership, 1997-98)
Phase 1: Concept and Financial Plan / Phase 1: Plan Conceptuel et Financier (The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1987)
Public Archaeology Program at The Forks / Programme d'Archaéologie Publique à La Fourche (The Forks Renewal Corporation, c1989)
The Forks Renewal Corporation Signage Policy and Guidelines (The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1993)
A Brief Note on Some Artifacts Found at The Forks (Sharon Thomson, Manitoba Archaeological Newsletter, Ser. 2, 2(3): 4-5, 1990)
Jesuit Rings (Sharon Thomson, Manitoba Archaeological Newsletter, Ser. 2, 3(2): 7-8, 1991)
Excavation of Flagpole Base at The Forks NHS (Mary Ann Tisdale, Department of Canadian Heritage, Professional and Technical Service Centre, 1995)
The Origins, Organization and Role of the Bison Hunt in the Red River Valley (Peter Walker, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 6(3): 62-68, 1982)
The North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company Forts: 1810-1830 (Jack Wolk, Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, 6(3): 26-45, 1982)
Walking Tour Guides English (Murray Peterson, 2005), English (Marilyn Williams and Susan Rouse, 1994) (The Forks Renewal Corporation)