Chambly Canal National Historic Site of Canada is
located on the west bank of the Richelieu River, south-east of Montréal,
Quebec. Twenty kilometres long, the Chambly Canal is a section of a
waterway constructed in the 19th century between Chambly and
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu on Québec’s Richelieu River. The canal
constitutes part of an inland water transportation route joining
Montréal and New York City. The site includes the waterway itself, nine
locks, five weirs, two piers, dams, dikes and bridges, and several other
elements and buildings associated with the operation of the canal. A
small paradise for cyclists, boaters and hikers, the site offers pure
relaxation in an environment carved out by more than a century of
Le lieu historique national du Canada du
Canal-de-Chambly est situé sur la rive ouest de la rivière Richelieu, au
sud-est de Montréal, au Québec. Long de vingt kilomètres, le canal de
Chambly est un tronçon de voie navigable aménagé entre Chambly et
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, qui faisait partie de la voie de transport
fluvial intérieur reliant Montréal et New York au XIXe siècle. Le lieu
comprend la voie d’eau proprement dite, neuf écluses, cinq déversoirs,
deux jetées, des barrages, des digues et des ponts, ainsi que plusieurs
autres éléments et bâtiments associés à l’opération du canal. Paradis
des cyclistes, des plaisanciers et des randonneurs, le site offre une
détente dans un environnement sculpté par plus d’un siècle
Source: Canada's Historic Places & Parks Canada Websites (2022)
Established: 1929
For More Information Please Visit The OFFICIAL PARKS CANADA WEBSITE
Pour plus d’informations veuillez visiter LE SITE WEB OFFICIEL DE PARCS CANADA
Quebec Québec
Management Documents
Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2018)
Historical Documents
Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Chambly Canal National Historic Site
Cabin of Bridge No. 2 / Logette du pont no 2 (FHBRO No. 96-67, February 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Cabin of Bridge No. 5 / Logette du pont no 5 (FHBRO No. 96-67, February 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Former Canal Manager's Residence / Ancienne résidence du directeur du canal (FHBRO No. 86-80, March 15, 1989, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Lockstation Cabin No. 1 / Logette de l'écluse no 1 (FHBRO No. 89-224, February 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Lockstation Cabin No. 3 / Logette de l'écluse no 3 (FHBRO No. 89-224, February 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Lockstation Cabin No. 7 / Logette de l'écluse no 7 (FHBRO No. 96-67, February 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Lockstation Cabin No. 8 / Logette de l'écluse no 8 (FHBRO No. 96-67, February 2002, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Woodworking Shop / Atelier de men uiserie (FHBRO No. 89-05, May 3, 1990, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
The Canals of Canada, Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 8 (John P. Heisler, Parks Canada, 1973)
Trade and Navigation on the Chambly Canal : A Historical Overview / Commerce et navigation sur le canal Chambly: aperçu historique Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Ètude en archèologie, architecture and histoire (P.-André Sévigny, Parks Canada, 1983)