Welcome to Fort Battleford, an easy day trip from
Saskatoon. Uncover the central but little-known role of Fort Battleford
in the 1885 Resistance. Discover the stories of the First Nations,
Métis, North West Mounted Police, and settlers in difficult times.
Fort Battleford is an early North West Mounted
Police post located on the edge of the town of Battleford at the
junction of the Battle and North Saskatchewan rivers. The designation
refers to the site and its historic resources, which extends in a
diamond shape from the river terrace above the junction of the rivers.
Built resources include several small wooden buildings within a
Bienvenue au fort Battleford, une excursion d’une
journée facile depuis Saskatoon. Découvrez le rôle central, mais peu
connu, joué par le fort Battleford dans la Résistance de 1885. Découvrez
des récits sur cette époque difficile qui font intervenir la Police à
cheval du Nord-Ouest (PCNO), les Premières Nations, les Métis et les
colons d’alors.
Fort Battleford est un des premiers postes de la
Police à cheval du Nord-Ouest (PCN-O), situé à la périphérie de la ville
de Battleford, au confluent des rivières Battle et Saskatchewan Nord. La
désignation a trait au site et aux ressources historiques couvrant un
losange longeant la terrasse fluviale au-dessus du confluent des deux
rivières. Le patrimoine bâti comprend plusieurs petits édifices de bois
situés à l'intérieur d'une palissade.
Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)
Established: 1923
For More Information Please Visit The OFFICIAL PARKS CANADA WEBSITE
Pour plus d’informations veuillez visiter LE SITE WEB OFFICIEL DE PARCS CANADA
The contents of brochures can be
viewed by clicking on the cover. These items are historical in
scope and are intended for educational purposes only; they are
not meant as an aid for travel planning.
Fort Battleford National Historic Park, Battleford, Saskatchewan 1954
Parc historique national de Fort Battleford, Battleford, Saskatchewan 1962
Fort Battleford National Historic Park, Battleford, Saskatchewan 1965
Activities 2018
Discovery Booklet undated
Livret découverte undated
Welcome to Fort Battleford National Historic Site 2021
Bienvenue au lieu historique national du Fort-Battleford 2021
Management Documents
Management Plan: (2017, 2007, 1988) / Plan directeur: (2017, 2007) (Parks Canada)
Historical Documents
Fort Battleford: A Structural History. Volume I: Building reports Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 252 (Walter Hildebrandt, Parks Canada, 1978)
Fort Battleford: A Structural History of the Officer's Quarters Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 399 (Walter Hildebrand, Parks Canada, 1979)
Heritage Character Statements / Énoncés de valeur patrimoniale, Fort Battleford National Historic Site
Barracks No. 5 / Caserne no 5 (FHBRO No. 89-10, September 12, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Commanding Officer's Residence / Résidence du commandant (FHBRO No. 89-10, March 5, 1992, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Guard House / Corps de garde (FHBRO No. 89-10, June 22, 1994, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Sick Horse Stable / Écu rie des chevaux malades (FHBRO No. 89-10, March 27, 1991, Canadian Register of Historic Places)
Public Buildings in Battleford, 1876-1878 (Walter Hildebrandt, extract from Saskatchewan History, Vol. 35 No. 1, Winter 1982, ©Saskatchewan Archives Board)
The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1883 Manuscript Report Number/Travail inédit numéro 113 (Edwin Charles Morgan, Parks Canada, 1970)
The North-West Mounted Police 1873-1893, Volume I (John Peter Turner, 1950)
The North-West Mounted Police 1873-1893, Volume II (John Peter Turner, 1950)
Views From Fort Battleford: Constructed Visions of an Anglo-Canadian West (Walter Hildebrandt, Athabasca University Press, December 2008)
"Without Fear, Favour or Affection," The Men of the North West Mounted Police / « Sans craindre ni favoriser qui que ce soit » : les hommes de la Police à cheval du Nord-Ouest (Library and Archives Canada)
The following visual bibliography is just a
sampling of the books which have been published for this park.
ParksCanadaHistory.com does not endorse these, but are merely presenting them for
informational purposes only. As most are copyrighted, we are only able
to provide the covers, and not contents, of these publications.
Views From Fort Battleford: Constructed Visions of an Anglo-Canadian West Walter Hildebrandt 2008
cover only
Views From Fort Battleford: Constructed Visions of an Anglo-Canadian West Walter Hildebrandt 2008