Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin National Historic Site
Lieu historique national du Refuge-du-Col-Abbot

Park Photo
Parks Canada photo

Built by Swiss-born mountain guides using stone from the surrounding mountains in 1922, the Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin National Historic Site is administered by Parks Canada and was operated by the Alpine Club of Canada.

The Hut was closed to visitors in 2018 due to the erosion of the slope beneath the hut. Despite extensive slope stabilization work, erosion continued and in 2021 began impacting the foundation of the building.

On June 30, 2022 Parks Canada completed the substantial removal of the Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin.

Construit en 1922 par des guides suisses à partir de pierres extraites des montagnes environnantes, le refuge du Col-Abbot, aujourd’hui classé lieu historique national, est administré par Parcs Canada et était exploité par le Club alpin du Canada.

Le refuge a été fermé au public en 2018 en raison de l’érosion de la pente sur laquelle il a été construit. Malgré d’importants travaux de stabilisation, la pente a continué de s’éroder et, en 2021, a commencé à menacer les fondations du bâtiment.

Le 30 juin 2022, Parcs Canada a terminé l’enlèvement substantiel du refuge du Col-Abbot.

Source: Parks Canada Website (2022)

Established: 1992

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British Columbia

Management Documents

Management Plan / Plan directeur (Parks Canada, 2007)

Management Statement / Énoncé de gestion (Parks Canada, 2020)

Historical Documents

Abbot Hut Refuge Cabin Dismantling Photo Reference Package (Parks Canada, February 2022)

Heritage Character Statement / Énoncé de valeur patrimoniale, Abbot Pass, Banff National Park

Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin / Refuge du Col-Abbot (FHBRO No. 97-98, December 24, 1999, Canadian Register of Historic Places)

Supplemental Climate Information: Abbot Pass Refuge Cabin (Banff National Park) (Scott Parker, Parks Canada, July 31, 2019)

The Evolution of 'Riskscapes': 100 years of climate change and mountaineering activity in the Lake Louise area of the Canadian Rockies (Katherine Hanly and Graham McDowell, preprint from Climate Change, Vol. 177 Art. 49, February 28, 2024)

Last Updated: 01-Jan-2025