Parks Canada History
Occasional Papers

Occasional Papers

Ce liste est également disponible en français.

Graham, Robert. Canadian national park and heritage area research needs and funding sources (1983)
Van Wagner, C. E. and Ian R. Methven. Fire in the management of Canada's national parks : philosophy and strategy (1981)
Hotzel, Charles N.C. The source of native clams in Canada (1979)
Rowe, J. Stan. National parks and climate change (1989)
Nepstad, Elaine. Towards a better understanding of human/environment relationships in Canadian national parks (1993)
Skibicki Andrew J. Preliminary boundary analysis of the Greater Pukaskwa National Park ecosystem using the ABC resource survey approach (c1995)
Rissling, Lori and David Welch. Environmental monitoring in Canada's national parks, 1994-95 (c1995)
Payne, R.J., Angus Carr, and Eric Cline. Applying the recreation opportunity spectrum (ROS) for visitor opportunity assessment in two Canadian national parks : a demonstration project (1997)
Kay, Charles E., Cliff A. White, Ian R. Pengelly and Brian Patton. Long-term ecosystem states and processes in Banff National Park and the Central Canadian Rockies (1999)
Hodgins, Douglas W. and J. Douglas Cook. The Banff-Bow Valley study: a retrospective review (2000)

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Last Updated: 22-Sep-2018