Parks Canada History
Canadian Parks for Tomorrow: 40th Anniversary Conference

Canadian Parks for Tomorrow: 40th Anniversary Conference
May 8 to 11, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

This international conference brought together scholars, policy makers and the interested public to describe, analyze and assess the history, current status and future directions of protected areas, landscapes and heritage resources and their role in our society.

conference logo

Parks and protected areas play a crucial role in society. In 1968 the newly established University of Calgary hosted an international conference that helped define the role of parks in Canada in light of international experience. Since then Canada has emerged as a world leader in parks and protected areas.

Four decades later, in 2008, we again gathered together Canadian and global partners to consider the role of parks and protected areas in our country and internationally in light of 21st century realities.

Views expressed by participants at the Canadian Parks for Tomorrow: 40th Anniversary Conference, May 8 to 11, 2008, were those of the individuals in question or expressed on behalf of organizations they represented and did not necessarily represent the views of member of the Conference Organizing Committee or those organizations that furnished the Conference with endorsements and financial and/or material support.

Canadian Parks for Tomorrow: 40th Anniversary Conference: Introductory material (Dianne Draper and Robert Scace)

Canadian Parks for Tomorrow: 40th Anniversary Conference: Conference Program

Awards at Conference

Commissioned Papers

Progress and Problems in Canada's Protected Areas: Overview of Progress, Chronic Issues and Emerging Challenges in the Early 21st Century (Philip Dearden)

The role of environmental non-governmental organizations in parks and protected areas: the case of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) (Alison Woodley and David W. Poulton)

Islands to Networks - Solution for Nature Conservation? (Stephen Woodley, John Middlemiss and Kim Borg)

Forty Years of Institutional Change and Canadian Protected Areas, or, Are things getting better or just more complicated? (D. Scott Slocombe)

Wildlife Conservation in the North: Historic Approaches and their Consequences; Seeking Insights for Contemporary Resource Management (John Sandlos)

Exploring the past, shaping the future: from parks as fortresses to sources of knowledge, 1968-2008 (Gordon Nelson)

Writing the History of Canadian Parks: Past, Present, and Future (Alan MacEachern)

A Global Perspective on the Challenges and Opportunities for Protected Areas in Today's and Tomorrow's World — "For Life's Sake" (Nikita Lopoukhine)

Civil Society and Protected Areas (Harvey Locke)

Beyond Banff: Changing Perspectives on the Conservation Mandate on Alberta's East Slopes (John Kristensen)

Environmental Conservation in Northern Canada: Policy Needs in a Time of Climate Warming and Shifting Political, Cultural and Economic Realities (Terry Fenge)

"The Land That We Keep For Us" An Aboriginal Perspective On Conservation — The Case Of Thaidene Nene/East Arm Of Great Slave Lake (Stephen Ellis and Gloria Enzoe)

Contributed Papers

Designing Protected Areas of Dubai: Past, Present, Future (Amer Rghei and Gordon Nelson)

Explosive Growth, Protected Areas and Conservation Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Gordon Nelson and Amer Rghei)

Exploring dimensions of sustainable urban development planning and their potential impact on parks in the Calgary region (David L. Day)

Review and analysis of methods for 'State of' reporting for protected areas (Pamela A. Wright)

Representative reserve design in Canada: the contribution of existing protected areas (Yolanda F. Wiersma)

What tomorrow? What parks? Climate change, its impact on ecosystems, cultural resources and visitor use, and how protected area management should adapt (David Welch)

The construction of "wilderness": an historical perspective (Anne Warner)

The Dying National Wetland-Case Study of Yala Swamp Beyond 2020-KENYA (John Vorster)

Environmental consciousness of RV visitors to Rocky Mountain National Parks (Jovan Simic, Ulrike Gretzel, Anne Hardy and Pamela A. Wright)

Moraine Lake - 2007 Group Access Study: Visitor Experience, Compliance and Awareness (Jovan Simic)

Winter Recreation In The Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks: Pilot Study (Jovan Simic and Michael den Otter)

Conserving Calgary's Cultural Landscapes: Preservation, Restoration and Adaptive Reuse (Michelle Reid)

Mountaineers and Mountain Parks: Reflections on History, Epistemology, and Cultural Landscapes (PearlAnn Reichwein)

From 'Natural Beauties' to Precambrian: the scientific objectivation of nature in La Mauricie National Park, 1969-1979 (Olivier Craig-Dupont)

Leisure Negotiation and Amenity Migration for Gateway Communities (Joe Pavelka)

Elk Adopt An Anti-Predatory Strategy, Getting Closer To Hikers In Banff National Park (Alessandro Massolo, Jenny Coleshill, Mark Hebblewhite and Marco Musiani)

Seabird Capitals — The Seabird Ecological Reserves of Newfoundland And Labrador: Marine Protected Areas In a Sea Of Activity And Development (William A. Montevecchi)

Tr'ondek Hwech'in First Nation Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon (Alice McCulley)

"The Regional Integration Of Protected Areas: Results From a Study of Five National Parks In Canada" (Julia McCleave)

Issues and challenges facing guided interpretation in parks and protected areas: a case study in Banff, Canada (Rosanna Maunder and Norman McIntyre)

Co-management of protected areas: lessons from Latin America (Douglas Mason)

Coyote diet and conflict in urban parks in Calgary, Alberta (Victoria M. Lukasik and Shelley M. Alexander)

"Climate change - emerging effects on Peruvian economic development, biodiversity and high mountain national parks" (Wayne Lamphier)

Volunteers, Our Parks' Hidden Resource: A Case Study of Fish Creek Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada (Michelle Kromplak and Dianne Draper)

Ecological Pedagogy in an Urban Prairiescape (Polly L. Knowlton Cockett)

Wild or Feral? Historical and biological consideration of free roaming horses (FRH) in Alberta (Adela Tesarek Kincaid)

Creature Comforts: Remaking the Animal Landscape of Vancouver's Stanley Park, 1887-1911 (Sean Kheraj)

Events Tourism in Mountain Parks: Two case studies of visitor characteristics and outcomes related to special events held in Jasper and Banff National Parks, 2007 (Elizabeth A. Halpenny)

A Park for tomorrow? Lessons from the Cairngorms National Park, Scotland (Murray Ferguson)

The Crown of the Continent Managers Partnership Collaboration across agency boundaries in an international setting (Brace Hayden and Bill Dolan)

Studying Natural Ecological Processes in the National Parks: Plant Community Diversity and the Vermilion Burn (Greg Chernoff and Mryka Hall-Beyer)

Unpacking the privilege knapsack: creating park experiences that foster social diversity (Don Carruthers Den Hoed)

Planning with (not for) persons with disabilities: Insights and opportunities (Don Carruthers Den Hoed)

Defying Gravity - Managing For Multiple Values While Pipelining Jasper National Park And Yellowhead Pass National Historic Site (Shawn Cardiff)

Conservation education for BC Parks commercial recreation operators: a needs assessment (Peggy Burfield)

'Identifying "Appropriate Use" In Canada's Parks: Collaborative Decision-Making' (Christopher J. Bruce)

Rethinking The Culture Of Corridors (Ryan Brook)

Locals In The Dark: Why Are People Living Near National Parks Unaware Of Park Research? (Ryan Brook)

A Passion for Wilderness: Understanding the Mountain Travels of Mary T.S. Schäffer Warren, 1889-1939 (Kirstin Bouwsema)

Human-coyote (Canis latrans) interaction in Canadian urban parks and green space: Preliminary findings from a media-content analysis (Shelley M. Alexander and Michael S. Quinn)

What Drives the Mountain Parks? (Gabrielle Zezulka-Mailloux)

Policy on Management of Hyperabundant Wildlife Populations in Canada's National Parks (John Waithaka)

Lessons Learned in Cooperative Management: Commercial Grizzly Bear Viewing in the Fishing Branch (Ni'iinlii Njik) Protected Area (Yukon, Canada) (Erik Val)

Canadian parks and protected areas through artists' eyes: transforming the Western Canadian Rockies (Nancy Townshend)

Cruise tourism in a warming Arctic: Implications for northern National Parks (Emma J. Stewart, S. E. L. Howell, D. Draper, J. Yackel and A. Tivy)

A Land Cover Monitoring Initiative for Environment Canada's Protected Area Network (Evan Seed and Jason Duffe)

Communicating the Values of Ecological Integrity through Education in National Parks: a case study of the Icefields Parkway (Hailey Ross)

Can field courses provide monitoring data for protected areas? (Mary L. Reid, A. Appleby, M. Hola, A. Parent, J. Phelan, and T. Sun)

Protected Areas Within Industrial Landscapes: Meeting Research and Conservation Goals Through Corporate Partnerships (Melanie P. Percy and S. G. Donelon)

Protected areas as constructed organizations (Hector J. E. Penna)

Indigenous stewardship: lessons from yesterday for the parks of tomorrow (Gerald A. Oetelaar and D. Joy Oetelaar)

Neufeld 123 Rediscovering Dan Keyi (The Peoples Land) Protected Areas, the State and Aboriginal People (David Neufeld)

An alternative to evaluate management effectiveness for protected areas (Angeles Mendoza-Sammet and Mike Quinn)

Orienteering: an example of willingness to learn and minimize impacts from outdoor activities in protected areas (Angeles Mendoza-Sammet)

Developing A Web 2.0 Prototype To Promote Sustainable Decision-Making For Recreational Large Group Use and the Ecological Health Of Protected Habitats (Barb McNicol, Patricia Derbyshire and Milena Radzikowska)

Environmental Stewardship in Jasper National Park (Ashley McInnes)

Conservation In The 'Post-Colonial' North: Inuit Rights, Wildlife Management, and The Politics Of National Park Establishment In The Canadian Arctic, 1960-1990 (Brad Martin)

Making Collaboration Work: A Case Study of Two Canadian National Parks (Anne Landry)

Maintaining Historical Rates Of Wildfire Within The Historical Range Of Variation (Scott Jevons and Steve Donelon)

Climatic changes along the Canadian Cordillera during the last thirty years based on actual measurements and the need for continuing monitoring (Stuart A. Harris)

Terrestrial snails as indicators of the health of the decomposer part of the ecosystem in Parks in Alberta (Stuart A. Harris)

"Monitoring For Ecosystem Change In The Canadian Arctic (Auyuittuq National Park, Baffin Island) (Joyce Gould, Gabrielle Broll and Peter Achuff)

A New Vision For Science & Research (Joyce Gould and Todd Kemper)

The Continuing Role of Research in Canada's Mountain National Parks (James S. Gardner and Michael Campbell)

The Upper Bow River Watershed: A Case Study In Impacts And Restoration (Wendy Francis and Matt Blank)

Ecological integrity and the law: The view from Canada's National Parks (Shaun Fluker)

Evolutionary Tails of the Dis-stressing Response to Nature and Future Research Directions (Lara Fenton)

Conserving Yellowstone to Yukon: Putting Science into Action (Sarah Elmeligi)

The Co-Management Route to Creating a Protected Area (Miki Ehrlich and Arthur Tobac)

Geospatial Technologies for Wildlife Enforcement in Protected Areas (Jason Duffe, Evan Seed and Brenda Morehouse)

Reconciling Parks and Local People? Community Initiatives for Recreational Space in British Columbia, 1925-2007 (Jenny Clayton)

Looking Backward, Looking Forward — Reflections on "Energy, Climate, People, Conservation And National Parks And Related Reserves" (Harvey A. Buckmaster)

New Canadians and National Parks: Managing Protected Areas for Ethnic Diversity (Melissa M. Bain, Michael S. Quinn and Kathy Rettie)

Paradoxical Ecological Processes: Challenges to rare vegetation species diversity (Ryan Ancelin)

Last Updated: 18-Jan-2018