Parks Canada History
History of Parks Canada/Park System Books

Books About the History of Parks Canada
& the National Park/Historic Site System

History of Parks Canada & the National Park/Historic Site System

book cover Campbell, Claire (ed.) A Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 2011. 458pp. Hart, E. J.. J. B. Harkin: Father of Canada's National Parks. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 2006. 592pp. book cover
book cover MacEachern, Alan. Natural Selections: National Parks in Atlantic Canada, 1935-1970. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2011. 384pp. Campbell, Claire Elizabeth. Nature, Place, and Story: Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada. Kingston:McGill-Queen's University Press. 2017. 224p. book cover
book cover Symons, Thomas H.B. (ed.) 1997. The Place of History: Commemorating Canada's Past/Les lieux de la mémoire: la commémoration du passé du Canada. Proceedings of the National Symposium held on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario: The Royal Society of Canada/La Société royale du Canada. 439pp. This content has been reproduced with the permission of the Royal Society of Canada/La Société royale du Canada. All rights reserved. Taylor, C. J. Negotiating the Past: The Making of Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 1990. 246pp. book cover
book cover Nelson, J. G. and R. C. Scace. The Canadian National Parks: today and tomorrow. Proceedings of a Conference Organized by The National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada and the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, October 9th-15th, 1968. 2 vols. Studies in Land Use History and Landscape Change - National Park Series No. 3. Calgary: University of Calgary. 1968. 1027pp. (Vol. 1, Vol. 2) Nelson, J.G., R.D. Needham, S.H. Nelson and R.C. Scace, eds. The Canadian national parks : today and tomorrow conference II : ten years later. proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, National and Provincial Parks Association of Canada, and Parks Canada, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Banff, Alberta, October 8th-13th, 1978. Studies in Land Use History and Landscape Change - National Park Series No. 7. Waterloo: University of Waterloo. 1979. 838pp. (Vol. 1, Vol. 2) book cover
book cover Canadian Parks for Tomorrow: 40th Anniversary Conference, May 8 to 11, 2008, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. 2008. Nelson, J. G. Canadian Parks in Perspective. Montreal: Harvest House. 1970. 343pp. book cover
book cover Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks. "Unimpaired for Future Generations?" — Volume I: A Call to Action. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services. 2000. Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks. "Unimpaired for Future Generations?" — Volume II: Setting a New Direction for Canada's National Parks. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services. 2000. book cover
book cover Rapport de la commission sur l'intégrité écologique des parcs nationaux du Canada. « Intacts pour les générations futures »? Volume I: le temps d'agir. Ottawa: Ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada. 2000. Rapport de la commission sur l'intégrité écologique des parcs nationaux du Canada. « Intacts pour les générations futures »? Volume II: Une nouvelle orientation pour les parcs nationaux du Canada. Ottawa: Ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada. 2000. book cover
book cover
(Vol. 2, 3 & 4 covers)
Scace, R.C. and J.G. Nelson, eds. Heritage for Tomorrow: Proceedings of the Canadian Assembly on National Parks and Protected Areas. Canadian Assembly Project: v. 1. Overview and assembly proceedings; v. 2. The caucus reports; v. 3. Caucus supplementary reports; v. 4. Caucus supplementary reports : Quebec; v. 5. Contributed documents. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada. 1986. R.C. Scace et J.G. Nelson, éditeurs. Patrimoine de demain: compte rendu de l'Assemblée canadienne sur les parcs nationaux et les régions protégées. v.1 Aperçu général et délibérations de l'Assemblée; v.2 Rapports des comités régionaux; v.3 Rapports supplémentaires des comités r´gionaux; v.4 Rapports supplémentaires du Comité régional du Québec; v.5 Documents connexes. Ottawa: Environnement Canada. c1986. book cover
book cover Kopas, Paul. Taking the Air: Ideas and Change in Canada's National Parks. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 2008. 230pp. Searle, Rick. Phantom Parks: The Struggle to Save Canada's National Parks. Toronto: Key Porter Books. 2000. 262pp. book cover
book cover Marsh, John S. and Bruce W. Hodgins, eds. Changing Parks: The History, Future and Cultural Context of Parks and Heritage Landscapes. Toronto: Natural Heritage. 2013. 328pp. Dearden, Philip and Rick Rollins (eds.) Parks and Protected Areas in Canada Planning and Management, Third Edition. Don Mills: Oxford University Press Canada. 1993, 2002, 2009. 520 pp. book cover
book cover Waiser, Bill. Park Prisoners: The Untold Story of Western Canada's National Parks, 1915-1946. Calgary: Fifth House Ltd. 1995. 294pp. Bella, Leslie. Parks for Profit. Montreal: Harvest House. 1987. 220pp. book cover
book cover Lorimer, Rowland, et. al., eds. To See Ourselves/To Save Ourselves: Ecology and Culture in Canada / Conscience et survie: Écologie et culture au Canada. Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens Volume XIII, 1991. Montréal: Association for Canadian Studies/Association d'études canadiennes. 1991. 183pp. This content has been reproduced with the permission of the Association for Canadian Studies/Association d'études canadiennes. All rights reserved. Lowry, William R. The Capacity for Wonder.Washington, D.C.,: The Brookings Institution. 1994. 296p. book cover
book cover Marty, Sid. A Grand and Fabulous Notion: The First Century of Canada's Parks. Toronto: NC Press Limited. 1984. 156pp. Marty, Sid. Une grande et noble idée : Les parcs nationaux: un siècle d'histoire. Ottawa: Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada. 1984. 156pp. book cover
book cover Michael S., Quinn, Len Broberg and Wayne Freimund, eds. Parks, Peace, and Partnership: Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 2012. 400pp. Sandlos, John. Hunters at the Margin: Native People and Wildlife Conservation in the Northwest Territories. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 2008. 360pp. book cover
book cover Burns, Robert and Mike Schintz. Guardians of the Wild: A History of the Warden Service of Canada's National Parks. Parks and Heritage Series No. 2. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 2000. 400pp. Burns, Robert and Mike Schintz. Guardians of the Wild: A History of the Warden Service of Canada's National Parks. Ottawa: Parks Canada. January 1999. 401pp. book cover
book cover Camp, Frank. Roots in the Rockies. Ucluelet: Frank Camp Ventures. 1993. 167pp. Dixon, Ann. Silent Partners: Wives of National Park Wardens. Pincher Creek: Dixon and Dixon Publishers. 1985. 205pp. book cover
book cover Kaye, Rob. Born to the Wild: Journals of a National Park Warden in the Canadian Rockies. Kelowna: Grey Wolf Books. 2015. 347pp. Schintz, Mike. Close Calls on High Walls. Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books. 2005. 319pp. book cover
book cover Colpitts, George. Game in the Garden: A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2002. 216pp. Foster, Janet. Working for Wildlife: The Beginning of Preservation in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1998. 300pp. book cover
book cover Brower, Jennifer. Lost Tracks: Buffalo National Park, 1909-1939. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press. 2008. 184pp. Jakimchuk, Ronald D., R. Wayne Campbell and Dennis A. Demarchi. Ian McTaggart-Cowan: The Legacy of a Pioneering Biologist, Educator and Conservationist. Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing, 2015. 416 pp. book cover
book cover Wetherell, Donald G. Wildlife, Land, and People: A Century of Change in Prairie Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2016. 640pp. Dalton, Anthony. Arctic Naturalist: The Life of J. Dewey Soper. Toronto: Dundurn Press. 2010. 392pp. book cover
book cover Penn, Briony. The Real Thing: The Natural History of Ian McTaggart Cowan. Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books, 2015. 558 pp. Davies, Adriana. From Realism to Abstraction: The Art of J. B. Taylor. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 2014. 150pp. book cover
book cover Jones, Karen R. Wolf Mountains: A History of Wolves Along the Great Divide. Parks and Heritage Series No. 6. Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 2003. 346pp. Kheraj, Sean. Inventing Stanley Park: An Environmental History. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2013. 304 pp. book cover
book cover MacDonald, Graham A. The Beaver Hills Country: A History of Land and Life. Edmonton: AU Press. 2009. 253pp. Markewicz, Lauren. Through the Storm: Canada's Bison Conservation Story. Parks Canada, 2019. 69pp. book cover
book cover Redmond, Kevin. Landscapes & Legacies: Parks, Natural Areas and Historic Sites of Newfoundland and Labrador. Creative Publishers. 2004. 64pp. Dann, Moira. Craigdarroch Castle in 21 Treasures. Victoria : Touchwood Editions. 2021. 144pp. book cover
book cover Marty, Sid. The Black Grizzly of Whiskey Creek. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 2008. 296pp. Marty, Sid. Switchbacks: True Stories from the Canadian Rockies. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 2001. 336pp. book cover
book cover Marty, Sid. Men for the Mountains. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. 1978. 270pp. Williams, M.B. Guardians of the Wild. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. 1936. 148pp. book cover
book cover Dempsey, Shawna and Lorri Millan. Lesbian National Parks and Services Field Guide to North America: Flora, Fauna & Survival Skills. St. John's: Pedlar Press. 2002. 271pp.

National Park Travel Guides / Pictorials

book cover Parks Canada. Canada's National Parks: A Celebration = Les Parcs Nationaux Du Canada: Une Célébration. Vancouver: Canopy. 2010. 256pp. Bondar, Roberta. Passionate Vision: Discovering Canada's National Parks. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. 2000. 175pp. book cover
book cover Maybank, Blake and Peter Mertz. The National Parks and Other Wild Places of Canada. Hauppauge: Barron's. 2001. 176pp. Lawrence, R. D. Canada's National Parks. Toronto: Collins. 1983. 288pp. book cover
book cover McNamee, Kevin and J. A. Kraulis. The National Parks of Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. 2004. rev. ed. 224pp. McNamee, Kevin and J. A. Kraulis. The National Parks of Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. 1994. 224pp. book cover
book cover Guide to the National Parks of Canada. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 2011. 352pp. Guide des parcs nationaux du Canada. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 2011. 352pp. book cover
book cover Guide to the National Parks of Canada, Second Edition. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 2016. 384pp. Guide des parcs nationaux du Canada, deuxieme edition. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 2016. 384pp. book cover
book cover Guide to the National Historic Sites of Canada. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 2016. 352pp. Guide des Lieux historiques nationaux du Canada. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 2016. 352pp. book cover
book cover Exploring Canada's Spectacular National Parks. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 1998. 200pp. Exploring Canada's Spectacular National Parks. Washington, DC: National Geographic. 1995. 200pp. book cover
book cover Lloyd, Tanya, Canada's National Parks. Vancouver: Whitecap Books Ltd. 1997. 96pp. Barnes, Christine. Great Lodges of the Canadian Rockies. Bend: W.W. West. 1999. 164p. book cover
book cover Stephenson, Marylee. Canada's National Parks: A Visitor's Guide. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall. 1997. 367pp. Butcher, Marlis. Park Bagger: Adventures in the Canadian National Parks. Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books. 2021. 445pp. book cover

Last Updated: 16-Oct-2023